Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Technology, wellbeing and work

Levels of disengagement at work have been growing for some time, as expectations of work-life balance shift, and the nature of modern work changes. Of particular concern are a growing number of surveys and studies producing worrying findings about the levels of stress, anxiety and disengagement at work.

How to limit global warming to 1.5°C

According to a draft of a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to be finalised and published by October 2018, there is a "very high risk" that the world will miss the target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the 2040s. What actions need to be taken so that the world gets back on track to achieve the target?

Digital upheaval: How Asia-Pacific is leading the way in emerging media consumption trends

Already, across much of the region there has been fundamental change in media consumption and communication. Thanks to smartphones, which have brought millions online for the first time, many countries have leapfrogged the traditional intermediate stages of media consumption, and individuals have taken control. They can now access what they want, where and when they want it.

What will it take for cyber safety to be recognised in the workplace?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is often mocked, yet its introduction has had a dramatic impact on safety in the workplace.

Embracing the chatbot

An efficiency boost for the professional services industry

How to reduce global warming: A roadmap

Greenhouse-gas emissions from human sources need to fall to net zero by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change. Can the combination of initiatives such as the Carbon Law, Project Drawdown and 100% Renewables and Electrification provide a viable roadmap to reduce global warming?

Risks and rewards: Scenarios around the economic impact of machine learning

There is more uncertainty around advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and one of its major sub-sets, machine learning, than the current debate suggests, particularly with regard to the technology’s impact on society and the economy. No doubt the advances have indeed been incredible and advocates are right to highlight them. However, not everyone views this as an unalloyed good. In fact, there is great concern that AI poses a threat to jobs, privacy, and, eventually, even humanity.

Automated vehicles: Ready or not

Australia faces unique challenges putting self-driving cars on its roads

Better life breakthroughs

Better life breakthroughs is a content series produced by The EIU and sponsored by Standard Chartered Private Bank. The aim of the series is to analyse innovations that have the capacity to extend and enrich life, create new experiences and improve society in general. For those with the means to incorporate cutting-edge technology into their lives – thereby experiencing the future before it becomes mainstream – the impact may prove more revolutionary than anyone can imagine.

Labour pains: Coming shifts in the world of work - Simplified Chinese Video

未来劳动力结构、职场力量平衡和办公场所设计将发生怎样的变化?我们采访了未来职场(Future Workplace)公司创始合伙人Jeanne Meister以及伍兹贝格(Woods Bagot)合伙人、亚洲区办公空间设计总监袁文翰。

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