Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




What the Internet of Things means for consumer privacy

As the digital era has unfolded, consumers have become steadily more aware of the uses that businesses make of the personal information that is handed over when accessing services. Many consumers have become adept at exercising control over how their data are used, for example through consent forms and opt-outs. However, the IoT—the rapidly expanding network of devices, physical objects, services and applications that communicate over the internet—poses a new set of privacy challenges, as it changes the relationship between individuals and their personal data.

Consumer privacy meets the Internet of Things

What the Internet of Things means for consumer privacy

As the digital era has unfolded, consumers have become steadily more aware of the uses that businesses make of the personal information that is handed over when accessing services. Many consumers have become adept at exercising control over how their data are used, for example through consent forms and opt-outs.

Restructuring corporate banking in India

India’s corporate banking sector has been going through a significant restructuring over the past five years. On one hand, state banks are working to improve their balance sheets after accumulating a large amount of non-performing loans (NPLs). On the other hand, Basel-III requirements have raised the minimum capital requirements for banks. As a result, it has become more costly for corporate banks to lend at the same time that the country’s growth requires capital to fuel it.

“Stressful” disruption offers UK business leaders the chance to grow

The UK is one of Western Europe’s most digital societies. According to the Ecommerce Foundation, the UK e-commerce market is bigger than those of Germany and France combined [1]. And the UK leads the world in the provision of government services online, according to a UN study [2].

Empathy helps German leaders overcome legacy structures

Digital transformation has been high on Germany’s national economic agenda since at least 2011, when the government launched its Industrie 4.0 initiative to revolutionise the country’s celebrated manufacturing base.

Amid digital disruption, French executives must focus on the customer experience

French business leaders have largely welcomed the recent labour law reforms championed by Président Emmanuel Macron [1]. They hope for a boost to productivity through greater employment flexibility. They will need all they can get as France plays digital catch-up.

There is often a feeling that corporate France has trailed other nations in facing up to digital disruption, thinks Malika Mir, group chief digital officer at biopharmaceutical company Ipsen, based in Paris. That situation is evolving fast.

For Dutch executives, adjusting to a digital career path will take time

Historically, international trade delivered prosperity to the Netherlands, but Dutch executives are less convinced that digital disruption will deliver similar benefits.

The Netherlands has a population of just 17.1m [1], yet it is an economic powerhouse. Ranked the 18th largest economy [2] in the world, it is well ahead of Argentina (with a population of 44m) and Saudi Arabia (32m) [3] in the GDP league tables.

Sales leaders seek opportunities for growth

Where customers go, sales executives must surely follow. Today, of course, that means online, and digital techniques to identify sales leads, engage with them, understand their needs and close deals are an essential component of any salesperson’s toolkit.

The impact of this digitisation is not lost on today’s sales executives. They see the impact of digital transformation all around them, from the way in which their teams are organised to the career paths available to them.

Cloud computing in China

Listen to Junsheng Hao, chief technology officer of Shanghai Yungoal Info Tech, Digital China Group as he shares insights on the rapid progression of cloud computing and why he believes the coming decade will be a golden period for the industry in China. 

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