Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Fostering exploration and excellence in 21st century schools: UK Executive Summary


Australia's Digital Ecosystems

In the digital age, few if any companies can successfully go it alone. In many parts of the world, ecosystems are forming in which organisations collaborate in one way or another to advance their digital capabilities. They often crystallise within or around a particular sector (fintech or health-tech being examples) but also cross boundaries into technology and other industries. Universities, venture capital (VC) firms and start-up support structures such as accelerators and incubators play important roles in them.

Connecting Commerce

Technology and data: Driving manufacturing's future

Manufacturers throughout the sector are looking for and implementing advances in technology and production processes to improve their operations and remain competitive. This significant transformation in manufacturing, often described as Industry 4.0, is a high-stakes game that can be challenging for many companies. That’s because of the complexity of the disruption and the need to raise the skills of existing employees or recruit new ones.

Strategies for tackling the rising skills gap: A manufacturing challenge

At a time of significant technological change, manufacturers are recognizing the need to develop new strategies to recruit employees and upskill their current workforce. Yet achieving these goals is particularly tough, as tepid perceptions of the sector often lead top talent to resist careers in manufacturing.

Manufacturing in motion: Transforming for a new industrial era

Manufacturing has fueled the U.S. economy for over a century, creating an era of mass affluence and catapulting the country to global leadership positions in innovation and industrial R&D. Through these
developments, it has produced the foundation upon which the modern, tech-driven economy has been built.

위험과 보상: 머신러닝의 경제적영향에 관한 시나리오

인공지능(AI)과 그 주요 분야 중 하나인 머신러닝의 발전에는 특히 기술의 사회와 경제에 대한 영향에 관한 현재의 논쟁이 시사하는 것보다도 불확실성이 더 큽니다. 물론 진정 놀라운 발전이 있었으며 지지자들이 이를 강조하는 것도 맞습니다. 10년 전만 해도 자동차가 통제된 환경에서라 해도 자율주행할 수 있다고 믿거나, 알고리즘이 사진을 분류하고 정리하는 방법을 학습할 수 있다고 믿는 사람은 소수에 불과했습니다. 그러나 지금은 그 둘 다 가능할 뿐만 아니라 다양한 형태의 인공지능이 일주일이 멀다 하고 새로운 작업을 수행하고 있습니다.

New EIU report forecasts impact of machine learning to 2030

How customers drive BMW's innovation strategy

Jonny Combe, general manager of product & channel development in BMW Financial Services believes customers are at the heart of their innovation programme. 

Why business innovation must be led by the customer

Big businesses are feeling the pressure from smaller rivals and the need to innovate has never been stronger. But the real masters of disruption are not tech startups, but customers.

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