Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Digital experience fuels marketers’ career ambitions

Digitisation has changed almost everything about the way that today’s customers engage with companies. They’re exposed daily to a barrage of online advertising. They use review sites, social networks and price comparison services to decide on purchases. And later, they broadcast their experiences, both good and bad, to global audiences online.

All this has huge implications for marketing professionals, who must be equally adept at using digital tools and approaches to maximise reach and engagement and understand better why consumers make the choices that they do.

IT leaders consolidate their powers

Digital disruption is good news for IT executives. As digital improvements become a priority across organisations, IT leaders, and aspiring leaders, are in even higher demand.

Please hold: customer service executives must focus on digital upskilling

The mass adoption of digital channels, from online sales to social media, should be an opportunity for companies and their customer service representatives to get closer to their clients. Yet many customer services leaders in Western Europe remain uncomfortable with digital disruption.

Possibilities require purpose: The role of emerging technology in digital transformation

In theory, new technologies drive digital transformation, but CIOs often find it’s not that easy. In fact, adopting new technologies to drive business results requires the CIO’s strategic involvement from the very beginning, from choosing the technologies to ensuring they’re working effectively across the enterprise.

Workforce transformation and the CIO: Integrating technology and business

CIOs’ executive brief: three ways to update IT skills for digital transformation

Pioneering Leadership: CIOs Reinventing Technology and Business

CIOs find digital transformation often demands not only technological change but also a re-imagination of roles, skills and culture. This report examines how CIOs are changing themselves and their organisations to ready themselves for the future. 

Q&A with Theresa Payton, CEO, Fortalice, former CIO, White House

In this Q&A, we ask Theresa Payton, CEO of Fortalice Solutions and former CIO of the White House, about the changing role of the CIO, today’s cyber threat landscape and best practices in security and IT operations.

Theresa Payton is a leading expert in cyber-security and IT strategy. Ms Payton is currently CEO of Fortalice Solutions, a cyber-security consulting firm, and was the first woman CIO at the White House, serving under president George W Bush from 2006 to 2008. Ms Payton also previously held leadership roles at Bank of America and Wachovia. 


Q&A with Renata Marques, CIO, Whirlpool Latin America

In this Q&A, The EIU asks Renata Marques, CIO of Whirlpool Latin America, about the changing role of the CIO, how emerging technologies like cloud are enabling innovation and how businesses execute their digital transformation journeys.

Renata Marques is the CIO at Whirlpool Latin America, responsible for information technology and digital business transformation solutions. Ms Marques has held previous IT leadership roles at ABB and Monsanto.

Q&A with Ritesh Sarda, CIO, Sun Life Financial Hong Kong

In this Q&A, The EIU asks Ritesh Sarda, CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong, about the changing role of the CIO, digital transformation in the financial services industry and how CIOs can leverage emerging technologies to enable their business strategies. Ritesh Sarda is the CIO of Sun Life Financial Hong Kong.

Pioneering Leadership: CIOs Reinventing Technology and Business

Today these changes require going beyond simply introducing new technologies to digitise the company.  As a result, we asked leading CIOs globally from across industries to explore how they are pioneering successful digital transformations to accelerate innovation and strategic enablement across their businesses.

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