Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




U.S. Manufacturers: Gaining Strength Through Change

This article examines the evolution of U.S. manufacturing in four phases, from steam power to digitalization. It explores the underlying economic, social and technological forces that enabled each shift and the results of these changes, as well as their impact on the labor force.

Open Government Data initiatives are viewed as a positive among citizens around the world, EIU survey finds

Open Government Data: Assessing demand around the world

Open government data (OGD) is information contained in government databases and private servers that can be freely accessed, used and republished by people and businesses. OGD is a relatively recent phenomenon but it’s availability and use has grown significantly in recent years. For example, citizens in many countries now regularly access information related to transportation, the environment and security through apps and via other platforms built on OGD. To be used at its full potential, however, OGD services must align with the interests and requirements of users.

Manufacturing in Motion: Transforming for a New Industrial Era

Manufacturers are navigating a period of intense change as digitalization and advanced technologies transform the sector in what is often called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. These changes add to the traditional business pressures of manufacturers, but also offer unprecedented opportunities to optimize production processes. 

Clean Growth Strategy: an important milestone for the UK economy

By showing cross-government commitment to growing low-carbon investments and setting out measures to cut emissions across the UK economy, the Clean Growth Strategy sends a clear signal to the business community. Detailed policies in areas such as energy efficiency in buildings will now be essential to ensure private-sector investment is significantly increased and UK climate targets are met.

Road Tech: Addressing the challenges of traffic growth

A transformation in transportation is under way, at a pace much faster than many anticipated. The confluence of trends in automotive technology, big data and the sharing economy is changing the way people approach travel. Yet in conjunction with the rapid pace of population growth, these advances will contribute to an increase in traffic that is unsustainable.  

Road Tech: Addressing the challenges of traffic growth

Road Tech: Addressing the challenges of traffic growth is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, commissioned by Abertis, which examines the role of technology and smart engineering in addressing issues arising from the growth in traffic. 

Innovation through acquisition: Can businesses buy their way into innovation?

Big firms are hungry for more innovation than they can generate themselves, and acquisition offers them the opportunity to promote good ideas with corporate scale. 

Analysing value chain for the digital age - Interview with Michael Gorriz

How should companies best analyse their value chain for the digital age? We talk to Michael Gorriz, Group CIO of Standard Chartered Bank.

Digital culture for the digital age - Interview with Ashishkumar Chauhan

How do companies build a culture, fit for the digital age? We talk to Ashishkumar Chauhan, Managing Director and CEO of Bombay Stock Exchange.

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