Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Digital Refinement

In August 2017, the EIU conducted a research programme on digital refinement, sponsored by Red Hat and Intel. The study included interviews with six business technology leaders in India, Malaysia, Korea, Singapore and Australia, focusing on their experiences in driving digital refinements within their organisations. The research explored three pillars: analysing your value chain, choosing the right technology partner, and defining a digital culture.

Read and download case studies:

Cyber-security – what are the risks from increased connectivity?

Cyber-security practices in critical infrastructure traditionally relied upon isolation of the operational networks from the enterprise environment and the outside world to avoid attacks and minimise incidents. Today, that approach is no longer tenable as increased connectivity and converged platforms have blurred that divide.

From data overload to effective decision-making

This is the age of data. A simple activity like going for a run now involves data collection and analysis through a FitBit wristband with GPS tracking. Recover at a coffee shop, and your caramel macchiato comes with a spreadsheet with 260 pieces of nutritional information. Should you order the grande whole-milk version with 25 grams of sugar and 28 grams of carbs? Or the short with coconut milk and roughly half the calories?

Preventing the Internet of Things turning into cyber arsenal

Technical evolution has seen manufacturing move from manual production lines, through mass production via assembly lines, to the adoption of computers and automation. As working practices continue to evolve, our manufacturing plants are moving into what is being described as ‘Smart Factories’ or ‘Industry 4.0.’

Putting machine learning to work on your cyber-security front line

Cyber-security is a top concern for all businesses with the annual global cost of cyber-security predicted to reach US$6tn by 2021, up from US$3tn in 2015.

Let the bright sparks fly

There’s a lot of talk about innovation, but in some policy areas more action is needed to allow it to flourish.

Predicting cyber-attacks, not as far-fetched as it sounds

Knowing your assailant’s next move can protect you from the next data breach. Armed with such information, security analysts could take proactive measures to protect sensitive data, patch or update vulnerable software, bolster security settings and block the attacker’s access and progress.

The future of financial services: Transforming an industry

Digital identity – a precarious balancing act

People leave digital footprints everywhere; and this can become a problem as technology evolves.

The state of IT procurement

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