Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Power to the people?

Power to the people? Managing technology democracy in the workplace is an Economist Intelligence Unit white paper, sponsored by Trend Micro.

Fighting smart

The rising importance of the Internet and data services, combined with the gradual decline of the much older voice business, is creating threats and opportunities for telecoms network operators in almost equal measure. While data traffic revenue could more than compensate for the decline of voice, the networks needed to support them are costly to build. In the mobile broadband market, levels of usage are also putting a huge strain on capacity and threatening profitability.

Digital economy rankings 2010

This year begins the second decade of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s annual benchmarking study of countries’ digital development, previously known as the “e-readiness rankings”. Given the prevalence of Internet-connected consumers, businesses and governments, and the indispensable role that digital communications and services now play in most of the world’s economies, we believe that the countries in our study have achieved, to one degree or another, a state of e-readiness.

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