Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Across the procurement-verse: changing trends in the procurement function

“Recent events, like the covid-19 pandemic and focus on sustainability, have given us the opportunity to establish procurement and supply chain as a key value function instead of a simple support function”, says Klaus Staubitzer, CPO and head of supply chain at Siemens. However, limited cross-functional visibility into procurement’s commercial value can make it difficult for leaders to retain this reputation.

Anatomy of adaptive leaders in APAC: Navigating emerging technologies in economic uncertainty

The report uncovers several key findings highlighted below:

Podcast | Culture and the Creative Economy

Episode 1: Riding the Korean Wave

Podcast | Privacy in Asia-Pacific

Privacy in Asia-Pacific: Shifting perspectives and changing expectations

News sustainability: investing in the future of Asia-Pacific’s info-ecosystem

News sustainability: investing in the future of Asia-Pacific’s info-ecosystem is a report by Economist Impact. The report reflects the findings of two surveys, one of over 2,000 consumers and another of 500 executives, conducted across 12 of Asia-Pacific’s markets. The executive respondents work in organisations that span over 20 industries, with 145 respondents from government, 55 from non-government organisations (NGOs), 150 from the media and publishing industries, and 150 from corporates. 

Digital transformation in South-East Asia: Reaping the fruits in government and society

The last 20 years have seen a gradual digital shift among public-sector organisations as citizens and businesses come to expect digital services from their government. Covid-19 served as a catalyst for increased digitalisation in government, creating new incentives and opportunities. For the first time, public-sector organisations had to truly contend with the challenges of delivering their services primarily over the internet.

The Great Resignation in Asia-Pacific

A trend that saw millions of people resign their jobs in the United States and then Europe in 2021, is now a matter of concern across the Asia-Pacific too. Talent shortages have been reported in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand among others, with companies struggling to retain and attract talent.

Podcast | Banning Bitcoin?

Podcast | Fact or fiction: Overcoming health misinformation

Podcast | Fact or fiction: Overcoming health misinformation

Fact or fiction: Overcoming health misinformation

Covid-19 vaccines do not alter DNA. Nonetheless, the idea is widely shared on social media. It’s simply false and education is needed to battle the notion.

But a frightening and misunderstood instance of rare, potentially fatal blood clots in a handful of cases is harder to combat. There have been links to clotting with certain vaccines and researchers are only beginning to understand why but peer reviews are still pending. Meanwhile, misinformation is still spreading. The public doesn’t wait for answers; they take inaction now.

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