Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Letting customers lead

UK companies know that innovation must be led by their customers’ needs, a survey of 200 executives from large businesses in the UK reveals, but understanding those needs and incorporating them into business innovation are easier said than done

When customers drive innovation

“The biggest disruption is that the customer is the most powerful party, because information and knowledge is with him,” says Olaf Koch, chairman of German distributor Metro AG. As a result, business innovation must be informed by the needs of the customer. Although German companies acknowledge this, many are struggling to make it work.

Letting customers lead

In a survey of business leaders in the UK, conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Rackspace, almost seven out of ten (69%) respondents say that incorporating customer feedback to drive innovation is part of their company’s growth strategy. More than four out of five (82%) survey respondents describe the perspective of customers as a significant or primary focus of their organisation’s innovation initiatives. 

When customers drive innovation

With a constant stream of new technologies and emerging business models to choose from, businesses need their innovation initiatives to retain a clear focus. According to Harald Schwager, deputy chairman at chemicals firm Evonik, that focus must be the customer. 

“As long as the customer is not in the picture, we only talk about ideas,” says Dr Schwager. “Only once the customer is in the picture and has started to buy into the product and solution, can we talk about innovation.” 

Tailoring education for the 21st century: perspectives from educators

What are the most important teaching strategies, and how well does technology support these approaches?

Preparing students for the future of work

Fostering exploration and excellence in 21st century schools

The need for education systems to evolve along with the demands of the global economy is certain. But the question of how to implement this change at the classroom level is less clear. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) embarked on a research programme, sponsored by Google for Education, that explores the strategies that are most effective for developing 21st century skills and how technology can support such efforts.



Digital upheaval

Digital upheaval: how Asia-Pacific is leading the way in emerging media consumption trends is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, commissioned by The Trade Desk. It is based on in-depth research, including interviews with 16 experts and executives in this space.

What are the media consumprion trends in different Asia countries? Download the report to learn more.


尽管目前智能手机已在全球大部分地区呈无所不在之势,但说到智能手机的使用,处于创新前沿的是亚洲。在该洲的大部分地区,媒体消费和传播已经发生了根本性的变化。由于智能手机首次带来了数以百万计的在线用户,许多国家已经跳过了传统的媒体消费居间阶段,个人已经处于掌控地位。如今,人们可以随时随地随心所欲地获取自己想要的内容。该地区的企业家们很快抓住了这一机遇,创造出新的信息和娱乐网络,并为诸如多功能传讯应用程序和二维码 (QR) 等技术找到了极具创新的应用用途。


中国独特的数字生态系统就是此类故事的重要情节,其催生了像微信这样的平台,拓展了支付和金融服务等领域技术的边界,为基于人工智能 (AI) 的聊天机器人实现诸如客户交互等功能铺平了道路。聊天机器人只是企业用以直接与个人消费者交流的其中一条新途径——二维码则是另一条,而对广告活动进行数字化市场细分可以帮助各品牌在数据、点击和购买之间建立新的联系。

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