Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in North Asia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in India

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in Australia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

New ways of work: Spotlight on workplace transformation in South-East Asia

Economist Impact, supported by Google Workspace, conducted a survey of more than 600 knowledge workers across Asia Pacific about their experiences with hybrid or flexible work.

Video | News sustainability: investing in the future of Asia-Pacific’s info-ecosystem

This video is part of the  programme conducted by Economist Impact. The programme was commissioned by The Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA), and supported by the Google News Initiative.

Infographic | News sustainability: investing in the future of Asia-Pacific’s info-ecosystem

Looking out: the rise of the external workforce and its impact on internal functions

This report is the culmination of surveying 430 C-level executives on the changing trends in procurement during January and February 2022 and the accompanying research and interview programme of practitioners and subject-matter experts, conducted by the Economist Impact research team. This report was written by Siddharth Poddar and edited by Pooja Chaudhary and Harsheen Sethi, with support from Amanda Simms on sub-editing.

Economist Impact wishes to thank the following experts for their participation in the interview programme:

Strategic and forward-looking procurement critical for supply chains resilience, finds Economist Impact study

Pushing forward: the future of AI in the Middle East and North Africa

In the past decade artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted from the peripheries of policy attention to the centre of investment and political focus. Global investment in AI has soared since 2010, increasing from a mere US$0.8 billion to US$78 billion in 2021–an increase of over nine thousand percent. In 2019, the Economist Intelligence Unit forecasted the economic impact of AI in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, estimating that US$ 200 billion and US$ 122 billion respectively, could be added to the GDP if the governments introduced policies to build talent and capital. 

Chain reactions: Digitalisation in procurement

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