Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Adapting to the remote norm: imbalances in work-life and cybersecurity equations

With the covid-19 pandemic far from over, its long-term impact is still a source of uncertainty for businesses in 2021. One outcome that looks set to last, however, is the shift to remote work.

Supply-Chain Evolution: A Strategic Perspective

This report is the second in a two-part series exploring the impacts of supply-chain disruption—a new normal for businesses. The first report, The business costs of supply-chain disruption, explored how disruption has become more common and more costly than ever, in terms of both operational and reputational costs. Over half of the executives surveyed (54%) acknowledge that they must make significant changes in order to effectively manage supply-chain disruptions over the next five years.

Podcast | Is cybersecurity a digital skill?

Is cybersecurity a digital skill?

Rethinking data security in the time of covid-19

Through interviews with CxOs across Asia, The Economist Intelligence Unit examines the remote work and cybersecurity challenges that covid-19 has brought to the competitive landscape. 

David Blecken was the author of the report and Jason Wincuinas was the editor. Additional insights for this article were obtained from in-depth interviews with experts. Our thanks are due to the following individuals:

New EIU report looks at the intersection of technology, crime and illicit trade

Flattening the Multimodal Learning Curve: A Faculty Playbook

Flattening the Multimodal Learning Curve: A Faculty Playbook is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report, sponsored by Microsoft Higher Education, that aims to equip faculty with effective strategies, methods and tools to deliver high-quality, engaging and valuable learning experiences in any modality or setting – remote, hybrid (a mixture of online and offline classes) or in-person.

Securing a shifting landscape: Corporate perceptions of nation-state cyber-threats

Infographic | Data protection ecosystems

China's food future

This report is built on a research programme undertaken by The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) between August and October 2020, and commissioned by Metcold. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of The EIU and do not necessarily reflect the views of Metcold. The report contains key insights on food supply chain modernisation in China and presents international best practices. 

Key findings:

Infographic | The journey to the cloud in ASEAN

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