Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Securing funding for a moonshot

Centuries ago, much scientific research was supported through the private patronage of wealthy families or the personal funds of the scientists themselves. While family foundations and individual donors still play an important role, today’s researchers lean more heavily on government grants and funding from within their organizations, as well as the support of nonprofit foundations and R&D-driven corporations.

What Moonshots Need to Go From Research to Reality

The moonshots of the previous century looked to push the boundaries of our collective imagination and knowledge—from actually landing on the moon to the invention of the internet. Over the past 20 years, however, the nature of the moonshot, or a large-scale project with a societal aim, has evolved as the needs of humanity have changed. For example:

• The UN forecasts that the world’s population will reach 9.7bn by 2050. This expanding population will overwhelm existing infrastructure, heightening the need for food security in developed and developing nations alike.

Common domain-based brand abuse techniques and how to avoid them

Brands both large and small face increasing threats and risks as intellectual property becomes more vulnerable online.

Purely digital

Ancient Buddhist artwork gets a 21st-century makeover

A New Age Of Culture: The Digitisation of Arts and Heritage

For many years, the cultural sector remained one of the very few to be only lightly touched by the disruption that Internet- and mobile-driven changes were bringing to other industries and segments of society. That is no longer the case. Cultural institutions in much of the world are now busy deploying digital technologies and quickly trying to make up for lost time.

Based on data collected from 243 arts and heritage institutions, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) assesses the progress of cultural digitisation in 22 countries. 

Innovating at Scale: Gabriel Baertschi

Grünenthal CEO Gabriel Baertschi​ explains the company's business model transformation

The innovation mindset

Big companies can pioneer innovative business models too. In this video, Nick Lansley, former head of innovation at Tesco Labs, explains how large firms can foster a culture that drives business model innovation.

Business model innovation in the UK

A healthy economy is one that enables business model innovation. That much was clear in the UK government’s industrial strategy green paper, published in January 2017, which sought advice on how government and industry might collaborate to support new sectors “that emerge around new technologies and new business models”.

Business model innovation in Germany

In 2014 the German government published its High-Tech Strategy, which aims to strengthen the country’s position as an industrial and export powerhouse by becoming an innovation leader. Key to these aims, according to the strategy, is the ability to translate “good ideas” into “innovative products and services”.

Business model innovation in Germany

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