Technology & Innovation

A New Industrial Revolution: Building the Future of U.S. Manufacturing

October 16, 2017

North America

October 16, 2017

North America
Veronica Lara

Deputy editor

Veronica specialises in market environment topics. Until July 2014 she was The Economist Intelligence Unit’s commerce and regulations analyst for 29 countries, spanning the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Australasia.

She has written for various publications at the EIU, on subjects such as financial inclusion, international trade, and public policy aimed at attracting investment and promoting innovation. Since joining the Content Solutions team, she has been leading projects on city competitiveness and technology.

Veronica holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in international relations from New York University and the University of Pennsylvania, respectively. Before coming to the EIU, she covered industries as diverse as defense, healthcare and mining for a research advisory firm. She also managed accounts for institutional investor clients at AllianceBernstein.

As digitization has seeped into people’s everyday lives and disrupted whole industries, it has heralded a new era in manufacturing often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution or “Industry 4.0.”

This article explores the wide-ranging ways this shift is reshaping the U.S. manufacturing industry and offering unprecedented opportunities to businesses. It discusses how advanced technologies are enabling optimized and customized production, enhancing jobs, supporting growth in emerging manufacturing sectors, and facilitating the rise of start-up producers.

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