Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Five pillars of IT alignment

Intel Security CIO Patty Hatter explains how she aligns IT with the rest of the organisation

Technology on the roads

I spoke to Massimiliano Lenardi, research and development laboratory manager and senior research engineer at Hitachi in Europe, about the impact of digital technology on the automotive industry.

A walk through a retail customer experience


Creating a seamless retail customer experience

Below is a five-page Executive Summary of Creating a seamless retail customer experience. To download the Executive Summary, click on the image.

Our future of abundance—and joblessness

Vivek Wadhwa, Fellow, at Stanford University Law School, explores the impact of technology on employment—and on the future of the human race

Planetary health – Improving human health by healing the planet

Fred Boltz, Managing Director for Ecosystems and Claudia Juech, Associate Vice President and Managing Director of Strategic Research at the Rockefeller Foundation explore the interactions between human health and the rapidly changing planetary environment.

Risk-informed innovation

Ensuring effective collaboration between risk and innovation is easier said than done. There are cultural barriers to overcome and old habits to break. Stronger risk management frameworks that take a holistic approach to risk can help to bring down some of these barriers.

Helping entrepreneurs flourish

The roughly 10% of the world’s adults who are entrepreneurs have, for some time, been recognised as significant drivers of economic growth. In a world where numerous countries are struggling to tame unemployment, their potential as job creators will make them all the more important. Many would-be entrepreneurs, however, will fall by the wayside. Although entrepreneurship inevitably involves difficulties and a large number of failures, too often their efforts are hampered by unnecessary barriers.

Animated Infographic

Connecting the dots in Asia Pacific

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