Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Under the radar

The Future of Air Travel

Report Summary

In the coming decade, airlines will have the opportunity to transform themselves from commoditised providers of transportation to full-trip coordinators that interact in an integral, more profitable way with travellers during every step of their journeys. To do so, airlines will have to improve the customer experience, revive brand loyalty and undo the effects of years of cost-cutting.

Defending reputation during a data breach

From a reputation perspective, if a business is unable to show that it has taken all reasonable steps to protect its systems and the information of its customers, not only does it risk breaching its regulatory obligations, but its reputation will also be at risk.

Big decision making process

Big decisions agenda

Survey demographics

No business is an island - How companies collaborate with trading partners and the opportunities for improvement

The global economy is a complex web of business relationships that no company can navigate alone. Whether it is through outsourcing, partnership or simple supplier-customer interactions, all businesses are reliant on the relationships they have with their peers.

It stands to reason, then, that perfecting collaboration with one’s trading partners is a key success factor in business. But how can companies maximise the value of their trading partner relationships, and how can they mitigate the risks? 

Video interview

Dr Sandrine Claus of the University of Reading explains what microbial medicine means, some of its most promising applications, and why bacteria might one day replace pills as the main way to deliver medicine. 

Microbiome therapy

Closing in on microbiome therapy

The idea of manipulating the human microbiome to maintain or restore health is not new. Probiotics, or beneficial gut bacteria, have long been used to manage and prevent disease, even in the absence of conclusive evidence of their effectiveness.

Microbial drug factories

Turning microbes into medicine factories

Microbial medicine applies genetic engineering to the micro-organisms in our bodies to develop new treatments for disease. 

The human microbiome is the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes that inhabit just about any part of our bodies.

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