Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The changing face of leadership

The Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by Audi, investigates the attributes that business leaders need, the factors that influence them and how they can lead most effectively. Explore contributions from Doug Richard, Kathryn Parsons, Michael Fertik and other business leaders.

Working in the Future

It used to be the case that staff worked the way they were told to by their employers. It was therefore the objectives of the organisation – efficiency, in most cases – that defined the working style of the majority.

Now, though, the way we work is subject to all manner of influences. Organisations that wish to design engaging and productive working environments for their employees must understand those forces, and react accordingly. 

Always connected

A key factor in the rapid expansion of the IoT is the falling cost of sensors and network components. But there are a number of other key factors at play, explains John Davies, chief researcher in BT’s ICT Research Practice.

How mobile is transforming passenger transportation

Report Summary

Transportation is a sector straining to keep pace with rapid population growth and shifting mobility patterns. Its principal pain points are congestion and high costs. 

These operational headaches can be alleviated with new and interactive offerings made available by the proliferation of mobile technologies. As real-time data becomes increasingly available and integrated across different modes in the transportation supply chain, they could help boost system efficiencies, to better engage with passengers and to lower costs. 

The journey of an entrepreneur

Interview with Anthony Rose, co-founder of Beamly and former chief technology officer for BBC iPlayer

Taking the next step—beyond the CIO

IT is a critical component of business strategy and business operations. Hence, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a significant net value creator, argues Tania Howarth, Chief Operating Officer at Iglo Foods.

Data become infrastructure

How do we close the gap between those who understand analysis and those who understand the business?

The future for CIOs

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Article 2: Serving digital customers, empowering digital employees

Serving digital customers, empowering digital employees

Succeeding on digital platforms often requires a business makeover. Our turbocharged online, mobile and social world is pushing companies to become more data savvy, communicate with customers in new ways and react more quickly than ever to market change.

Article 1: Refitting organisations to capitalise on data

Organisational update: leveraging data for the digital age

Every business today is becoming a digital business—from pure online entities to traditional companies embracing mobile, social and cloud platforms. But the businesses that will excel and compete most effectively will be those that put the voluminous data that these digital platforms produce to smartest use. 

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