Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




A funding crunch is pushing higher education institutions online and abroad

Innovation where it is needed most

How can Silicon Valley’s innovative zeal be captured for the benefit of the developing world?


Business with the lights out

Could the growing sophistication of automation one day lead to companies with no human labour?

Executive Summary

The sharp increase in interconnectedness that results from the Internet, mobile technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) is referred to
as “hyperconnectivity”. This is not merely a technology trend. It is the era-defining cultural milieu in which we live—and in which businesses operate—in the 21st century.

Hyperconnected organisations

Report Summary

Thanks to the Internet, mobile technology and now the Internet of Things, the interconnectedness of people, places and things is growing at an unprecedented rate. 

In a multiphase research programme sponsored by SAP, The Economist Intelligence Unit is investigating the economic and business impact of this 'hyperconnectivity'. Phase one of the programme, published in 2014, examined the economic of impact of hyperconnectivity. 

Developing smart products

Futurists have long predicted a world in which the products around us have minds of their own, from talking televisions to smart fridges. Now, at last, that vision is beginning to materialise, thanks to the plummeting cost of computing components and the ubiquity of wireless communications. 

Empowering Business

to explore and discover how you can expand your strategic thinking, use industry trends to your advantage, take your management skills to the next level and go further–faster.

Can artificial intelligence create art?

Computers are getting better at emulating human thought. Could they ever replicate our creativity?

A gold rush in outer space?

Should we be mining near-earth asteroids for precious resources?

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