Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Trigger ‘Appy

Why the end of mobile apps will be good for business

Preparing for next-generation cloud: Lessons learned and insights shared

Report Summary

Over the last decade, cloud computing has transformed the market for IT services. But the journey to cloud adoption has not been without its share of twists and turns. Preparing for next-generation cloud: Lessons learned and insights shared, an Economist Intelligence Unit report sponsored by Hitachi Data Systems, looks at the lessons that can be derived from companies’ experiences implementing cloud computing technology.






Mapping the cloud maturity curve

Cloud technologies have gone mainstream. The benefits of cloud services outweigh the drawbacks. No longer are companies asking if the cloud is hype or a fad. Now they’re more worried whether they’re making costly mistakes by clinging to old technologies and enduring the headaches of managing them. Organisations often use cloud computing to break free of the shackles of ageing, legacy IT systems and to better position themselves and sell and compete on digital platforms.

The UK's low-carbon sector has its place in the Conservatives’ economic plan

The promising growth of the UK’s low-carbon economy over the last five years shows it should play an important part in the new Conservative government’s economic plan, argues Nick Molho, executive director of the Aldersgate Group.

Automated, creative and dispersed: Interviews

To find out, The Economist Intelligence Unit interviewed ten experts in fields ranging from architecture to ergonomics, in a research project sponsored by . In the coming weeks we will publish the ten interviews, in which the experts explain what they believe to be the most important trend.

The top three trends, as voted for by The EIU's Opinion Leaders' Panel, will be examined in detail in a forthcoming report. 

Automated, creative and dispersed

How will the way we work evolve in the coming years? This is a much-debated topic as business leaders observe the current pace of technological change and consider its impact on the future of their organisations. 

The factors that influence the way we work are diverse: they include technology, politics, society the environment and more besides. Any serious attempt to predict the future of work must therefore draw on many disciplines and incorporate many points of view.

Land of Sweeping Change

Telecommunications companies are eager to help other companies with their digital transformation in an effort to boost their own fortunes. Due to fierce competition and falling technology costs, network providers look to supplement their core offering through innovation. As a result, telecommunications companies are keen to capture a slice of the M2M market by bundling their networks with hardware and software solutions that can enable digital transformation and in the process help recipients become more profitable too.

A helping (robotic) hand for the elderly

Will caring robots be welcomed by the elderly?

Digital Evolution

It is time you prepare for digital evolution before you and your company are left behind. With this new digital content progamme you can map your digital progress and get ahead.

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