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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Podcast | Unlocking entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific

Episode 8: Unlocking entrepreneurship in Asia-Pacific

Can banks create a true ecosystem with embedded finance?

  • New technologies will have the biggest impact on banks in the next five years—more than changing customer demand and evolving regulation. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in particular is expected to impact banking, according to 75% of respondents to a survey conducted by Economist Impact. More than 70% of survey respondents see unlocking value from AI as a key differentiator between winners and losers.
  • Collaboration with fintechs or other technology providers is key to access expertise in emerging technologies as openbanking initiatives multiply across the world.

Podcast | India’s time to shine? Opportunity and risk in India

Episode 7: India’s time to shine? Opportunity and risk in India

Fintech’s new wave: Exploring the impact of recession on the path towards digitalisation

We found that the pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of customer interaction by an average of three years and banks’ share of digital offerings by seven years. [1] However, at the time, we were also beginning to see the effects of digital transformation fatigue and explored the strategies that the world’s biggest banks were deploying to become more agile and customer-centric. Now, a year later, the landscape facing banks has changed dramatically. The covid19 digitalisation boom has come to an end, and the industry is preparing for a global recession.

ESG priorities in China: How companies in China are approaching ESG

The survey finds that Chinese companies are in a state of transition from largely domestically driven priorities emanating from China’s unique period of  breakneck industrialisation to a set of goals more aligned with international ESG practice. Whereas companies were more likely to follow government regulation in the past, the current drivers of this change are primarily demands from investors and customers.

The main findings of the survey as follows: 

Podcast | What would a protracted war in Ukraine mean for Asia-Pacific economies?

Episode 5: What would a protracted war in Ukraine mean for Asia-Pacific economies?

Tech redefines ageing: how tech is enabling productive lives for older populations

Globally, advances in healthcare have significantly improved not just life expectancies, but also the quality of people’s health in older age. These changes are raising questions around how greying populations can be supported by technological innovations so they can continue living productive lives.

Podcast | Protecting investment portfolios against climate change risks

Episode 3: Protecting investment portfolios against climate change risks

Digitisation has progressed far among businesses in Singapore—but it is proceeding at different speeds, and many organisations are lagging

Banking in 2035: global banking survey report

Recent years have offered banks object lessons in how to manage volatility. The covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the increasingly intense impacts of climate change are posing major challenges. In many ways, the banking sector has proven remarkably resilient to such risks.

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