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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Podcast | Can China's economic slowdown create opportunities in Asia?

Episode 2: Can China's economic slowdown create opportunities in Asia?

Decarbonising Asia: Asset owners reach for net zero

Decarbonising Asia: Asset owners reach for net zero is an Economist Impact report, sponsored by Amundi. Denis McCauley is the author and Siddharth Poddar is the editor. It is based on in-depth interviews conducted with five executives at asset-owner and asset-management firms and other financial institutions, and secondary research, done between December 2021 and March 2022.
Our thanks are due to the following individuals for their time and insights:
  • Kerry Adams-Strump, director of group ESG, Prudential

Agile banking transformation: From machine-like bureaucracies to agile organisms

Disruptive technologies and digital-only competitors are forcing traditional banks to go from being some of the most bureaucratic, machine-like organisations to becoming model agile organisms. Financial services companies have faced an existential threat for the past two decades as investment pours into fintech companies and customer demands change rapidly. This pressure is forcing traditional banks to change more quickly than companies in other sectors, in order to adapt to the digital era.

Infographic | Banking in 2035: a fragmented world

Infographic | Banking in 2035: climate action paradigm shift

Infographic | Banking in 2035: transformed banks regain trust

Banking in 2035: three possible futures

Banks today find themselves buffeted by a range of forces, many of which are accelerating. Long-term trends such as climate change and demographic ageing are picking up. Shock events like the covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have destabilised markets. The direct threat posed by both fintech and big tech companies is growing. Taken together, these forces of change are causing banks to evolve business models to meet new societal expectations and engage customers in highly dynamic digital environments.

Consumer demand for digital currencies expected to increase, Economist Impact study finds

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia was researched and written by Michael Frank and Sakshi Tokas of Economist Impact. Home Credit is the sponsor of this report. The analysis and conclusions herein are the work of Economist Impact and do not necessarily reflect the views of Home Credit.
The report’s authors would like to thank the following experts for sharing their time and insights as part of the research process:

The new American investor: Finding confidence in the financial future

The decentralisation of finance has long been framed as a measure that empowers investors and increases access for consumers that have been traditionally excluded from traditional financial services. This trend now extends to investment, which has long been a pillar of the American dream, grounded on the country’s guiding principle of self-reliance.

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