After the storm
After the storm: a new era for risk management in financial services is an Economist Intelligence Unit report that explores the way in which risk management is changing at the world’s financial institutions in response to the global financial and economic crisis.
Mapping the recovery
With the financial crisis continuing to wreak havoc in many of the world's economies, access to capital is becoming harder and dearer. Despite heavy injections of liquidity from governments, lending has slowed to a trickle across most industries and markets. Bankers' reluctance to offer finance stems from widespread uncertainty about the length, intensity and consequences of the current crisis. This poses significant challenges to the private-equity industry, which has enjoyed unprecedented growth over the past decade thanks partly to unfettered access to cheap credit.
Feeling the squeeze
As people in Asia live longer and women have children later in life, a rising number of adults are simultaneously caring for young children and ageing parents—a phenomenon long recognised in other parts of the world as the growth of the "Sandwich Generation". This new research by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Fidelity International shows one in five working-age Asians is now a member of this cohort. These people are typically aged 30 to 45, married, and supporting one or two children and two parents or parents-in-law.
Evolving fortunes
In the coming decade, the so-called ‘BRIC countries’ (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are expected to make the most significant wealth gains in our wealth forecast of 50 countries.
Breaking the mould
Written by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of Barclays Wealth, this sixth volume of Barclays Wealth Insights examines the behaviour and attitudes of wealthy investors during times of volatility. It is based on two main strands of research.
Volatility in financial markets draws different responses from wealthy investors
New horizons, new behaviour
Report Summary
Prospects for real estate
Written by the Economist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by Barclays Wealth, this tenth volume of Barclays Wealth Insights looks at investor perceptions of the global real estate market.
Solvency II Survey 2010
Report Summary
This report, written by the Economist Intelligence Unit on behalf of Deloitte, is based on a survey of 61 insurers with UK operations in quarter one 2010, as well as an in-depth interview with the policy adviser of the Association of British Insurers' financial regulation and taxation team.
Banking for billions
A strong consensus has emerged that increased levels of financial inclusion – through the extension of credit and provision of bank accounts, savings schemes and insurance products – have the potential to reduce global poverty and nurture economic development. This is especially true at a time when technology is providing new, scalable delivery mechanisms that bypass many of the problems associated with physical financial infrastructure.