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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Banking in 2035: three possible futures

Banks today find themselves buffeted by a range of forces, many of which are accelerating. Long-term trends such as climate change and demographic ageing are picking up. Shock events like the covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have destabilised markets. The direct threat posed by both fintech and big tech companies is growing. Taken together, these forces of change are causing banks to evolve business models to meet new societal expectations and engage customers in highly dynamic digital environments.

Consumer demand for digital currencies expected to increase, Economist Impact study finds

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia

Covid-19’s impact on personal finance in Asia was researched and written by Michael Frank and Sakshi Tokas of Economist Impact. Home Credit is the sponsor of this report. The analysis and conclusions herein are the work of Economist Impact and do not necessarily reflect the views of Home Credit.
The report’s authors would like to thank the following experts for sharing their time and insights as part of the research process:

The new American investor: Finding confidence in the financial future

The decentralisation of finance has long been framed as a measure that empowers investors and increases access for consumers that have been traditionally excluded from traditional financial services. This trend now extends to investment, which has long been a pillar of the American dream, grounded on the country’s guiding principle of self-reliance.

Combatting digital transformation fatigue

While digital native banks are able to innovate and roll out products without spending time and money solving the problems of the past, traditional banks are reaching a point of digital transformation fatigue. Incumbents find themselves in a permanent state of digital

Banking on a game-changer: AI in financial services

  • Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial services is maturing as banks implement it across a range of innovative use cases. A new survey of IT executives in banking finds that 85% have a “clear strategy” for adopting AI in the development of new products and services.
  • According to a separate global survey of senior banking executives, four in five agree that unlocking value from AI will distinguish winners from losers. 

Rethinking the Global Microscope for Financial Inclusion: 2021 Key Findings Report

The Global Microscope is a benchmarking index that has assessed the enabling environment for financial inclusion across 55 countries since 2007. This year, the Economist Impact team conducted an assessment of the index's existing data (2007-20) to understand the relationship between key financial inclusion enablers (i.e. policies, regulation and infrastructure) and financial inclusion outcomes.

What is shaping the ecosystem of small business lending?

Small-business lending is a sector in transition. What was once a lengthy, face-to-face, paper-intensive process can now be accomplished much more quickly with the help of technology. Customer expectations have evolved to require more personalised products and services. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation, generating a new competitive landscape, in which smaller, nimbler outfits are increasingly part of the picture and incumbents are adapting their strategies to leverage both technology and the human touch.

Article | Rapid change is here: The future of financial services

While spared the massive waves of layoffs that hit the restaurant, hospitality and entertainment industries, employees in the financial services sector faced stress-related organisational uncertainty, market volatility, social isolation and constricted childcare options. The nature of the sector’s work enabled most organisations to quickly shift to remote working arrangements after lockdowns began.

Infographic | Next-gen is here: The transformation of financial services

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