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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Video | 70 is the new 50

is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by HSBC Life. The report is based on a consumer survey conducted in June 2021 of more than 600 Hong Kong residents aged 30-70 on their preparedness and perception towards post-retirement. The report was written by Siddharth Poddar and Shivaji Bagchi, and edited by Naka Kondo.

视频 | 治理与传承:家族办公室及亚洲华裔群体



该报告的分析基于文献综述以及对相关研究领域从业人员和专业学者进行的直接采访。19 世纪初期,清朝政府面临内忧外患,中国经济拖入下行轨道,最终丧失了世界最大经济体的地位。大规模移民浪潮由此产生,并且塑造了此后历史的发展。
报告由 Georgia McCafferty 撰写,由 Jason Wincuinas 编辑。我们要感谢所有受访者抽出宝贵时间为此项研究提供见解(按姓氏字母顺序列出):

Video | Governance and succession: Family offices and the Chinese diaspora in Asia

is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by DBS Private Bank to explore the history, dynamics and governance implications as they relate to families of the Chinese diaspora in Asia and their businesses and family offices.

Governance and succession: Family offices and the Chinese diaspora in Asia

In the early 19th century, a confluence of outward and inward forces pushed China’s Qing Dynasty into a downward trajectory that ultimately tipped the country from its perch as the world’s largest economy. That event sparked a mass migration that has shaped history since. A Chinese diaspora—the migration and dispersion of Chinese from their homeland—has permeated the globe; sizable Chinese communities can be found from Vancouver to London to Singapore.

Asia pacific supply chains remain resilient, but covid-19 resulting in a broader rethink, says new EIU report

Disruption, Digitisation, Resilience: The future of Asia-Pacific supply chains

Shifts in supply chains were already under way, owing to geopolitical and economic factors, and covid-19 has accelerated some of them. Recent outbreaks of the virus—driven by the delta variant—mean that we have not seen the last of supply-chain disruptions yet, as economic activity across Asia-Pacific continues to be hampered. 

Productive ageing in Hong Kong: Breaking the mould of ageing

Productive ageing in Hong Kong is a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by HSBC Life. The report is based on a consumer survey conducted in June 2021 of more than 600 Hong Kong residents aged 30-70 on their preparedness and perception towards post-retirement. The report was written by Siddharth Poddar and Shivaji Bagchi, and edited by Naka Kondo. Findings from the survey were supplemented with wide-ranging research and in-depth interviews with experts in the field.

Infographic | Productive ageing in Hong Kong


Hong Kong has the world’s longest life expectancy. In 2019, the average life span was 82.4 years for men and 88.2 years for women. How will people spend these additional golden years? Will Hong Kong’s elderly be able to live their lives with dignity and self-respect? The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by HSBC Life, conducted a consumer survey in June 2021 on the state of “productive ageing” in Hong Kong and people’s preparedness for the challenges of and opportunities in life after work.

Branching out: can banks move from city centres to digital ecosystems?

  • As the branch closures of covid-19 accelerate consumer shifts to online banking, 65% of bankers now believe that the branch-based model will be “dead” within five years, up from 35% four years ago, according to new research from The Economist Intelligence Unit.
  • Four in five (81%) bankers believe that banks will seek to differentiate on customer experience rather than products. Mastering both customer experience and digital marketing are ranked as top strategic priorities over the next four years.

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