Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Why AI and machine learning demand high-quality information

As machine learning becomes pervasive, the quality of the information from which patterns and insight are extracted will be paramount

The rise and rise of ransomware

The sophistication and volume of attacks has rocketed, but business readiness has remained low.

The global implications of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Are businesses prepared for EU General Data Protection Regulation?

The hunt for hyperefficiency

Computing could account for as much as 14% of global energy consumption by 2020. The need for more efficient IT has inspired some radical approaches to component design.

Artificial Intelligence--from experiments to everywhere

Artificial Intelligence is most powerful when it draws from a multitude of devices, data sources and advanced analytics. Imagine the rapid creation of an anti-virus based on the simultaneous analysis of data from early cases of flu in Europe, and clinical trials in
the US, and lab tests in Japan. This is data that will be drawn from multiple devices, operating systems and data bases across the globe.

Taking the digital revolution to sea: Ocean robotics at an inflection point

Roger Hine is the co-founder and chief technology officer of Liquid Robotics and inventor of the Wave Glider, the inaugural winner of The Economist’s Ocean Innovation Challenge. He shares his vision of the digital ocean and the future of ocean robotics, and of how the two will foster a sustainable ocean economy.

Digital disruption down on the farm: Q&A with MONSANTO’S Anthony Osborn

Anthony Osborne is a 25-year veteran of Monsanto and is now Vice President of the digital services subsidiary.  He spoke with the Economist Intelligence Unit about the challenges of managing a digital business alongside Monsanto's traditional portfolio. This is one of a pair of Q&As on how companies are reorganising as they manage digital disruption.


Q: What digital services has Monsanto added to its business portfolio?


Digitizing the dinosaurs: Q&A with Mohanbir Sawhney

He recently spoke with the Economist Intelligence Unit about disruption is reshaping the organisation of large enterprises. This is one of a pair of Q&As on how companies are reorganising as they manage digital disruption.


Q: Professor Sawhney, how is digital disruption changing the way companies operate?


Businesses are adapting to voice search in an AI-first world

What can businesses do to ensure that they stay on trend vocally?

Connecting Capabilities

Digital disruption created by new technologies, new competitors and new behaviours, means companies have little choice but to transform themselves digitally. How well are Asian economies doing in terms of providing a conducive environment for digital transformation?

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