Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Europe leads progress toward value-based healthcare (VBHC)

The language of cyber security

Grasping the cyber security issue head-on – and not just via a bullet point or two – is critical.

What makes digital leaders—A full C-suite perspective

The Economist Intelligence Unit has recently launched a report, sponsored by DXC, which takes a deep dive into how IT can contribute to companies' meeting their strategic goals. What do C-suite executives need in order to maintain their companies' global edge? The EIU has written a global report and six articles focusing on individual industries and regions.

Risk to critical infrastructure from a cyber-attack to increase according to EIU study

Securing the digital city

Alignment with value-based healthcare (VBHC) varies widely across Asia

Social Innovation Index 2016

As a relatively novel concept, it lacks an established definition. Most broadly, it can refer to new services and products, or new processes, rules and regulations, that help meet a social need--for instance reducing the number of homeless people on the streets, keeping children in school, or ensuring commodities are produced sustainably for fair wages. The benefits of social innovation, wherever it arises, accrue to society as a whole rather than individuals, although in some cases socially innovative projects can also produce profits and investment returns.


Old problems, new solutions: Measuring the capacity for social innovation across the world - Japanese

Social Innovation Index 2016 Infographic - Japanese

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