Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Social Innovation Index 2016 Infographic

Genesis of the data-driven bug

In May of this year, non-profit news organisation ProPublica published a critical story about the use of algorithms in the criminal justice system. They revealed via rigorous statistics that the algorithm tasked with predicting future criminals was racially biased against African Americans. Relying on the output of algorithms without sufficient oversight was leading to the opposite of objectivity—instead of mitigating bias it was introducing it.

Brexit and the cross border nature of e-commerce

Does e-commerce have an advantage in the UK's future trade relations with the EU?

EIU analysis of 25 countries provides roadmap for adoption of value-based healthcare

Executive Summary-The IT Archipelago

The IT archipelago

Traditionally, technology has been the responsiblity of the IT Department--but EIU research shows that IT decision-making is beginning to fragment across the organisation. 

US tops index measuring the capacity for social innovation

Old problems, new solutions: Measuring the capacity for social innovation across the world

Healthcare: IT as a competitive necessity

A recent survey conducted by the EIU and sponsored by DXC found that healthcare organizations are moving aggressively to adopt digital technologies. 



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