Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Business model innovation in the UK

Future directions in architecture

Innovating at scale

Technology offers companies the opportunity to create new products, find new customers and drive new efficiencies. But as any experienced executive knows, capturing these opportunities is rarely a simple matter of adoption. More often than not, a new business model is needed, one that is ideally suited to creating value from that new technology.

Engaging the distracted customer

What are the marketing tools and business models companies use to seize customers’ attention and reward their loyalty? What innovative pricing strategies and schemes work best to engage and motivate today’s consumers and business buyers and lay the groundwork for continued success as preferences continue to evolve? What are the best ways to monetise their assets and capabilities in this fast-moving, interconnected market environment, and how are companies transforming their business models and customer offerings?


Idea management platforms supporting great ideas

Coming up with new ideas when you are running a business of any size is a challenge. Where can you source creative thinking that is also relevant and how do you channel innovative ideas to fruition? The beginning of the year is a good time to tackle this question, particularly given the current uncertain economic and political climate.

Engaging the distracted customer

Businesses and consumers today rely almost exclusively on digital channels to discover and patronise their favourite brands. As attention spans continue to fracture, traditional marketing techniques are being complemented—or even replaced—by innovative, individually targeted strategies aimed at attracting, acquiring and retaining digitally connected consumers and corporate clients. Entire business models are shifting from one-time, capital-heavy transactions to recurring relationships enabled by flexible subscriptions and digitally delivered services.

The ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Like electricity, AI will bring inert objects to life and become a cheap and reliable utility that will sit in the background and run just about everything. But despite the similarities, AI cannot be treated as just another great industrial transformation. AI promises to be so transformative that it presents societal questions that will need to be resolved. 

Read this EIU article, sponsored by IBM, to learn more >>


The Urban Transit Evolution

Many cities are attempting to reduce congestion through innovative transport policies and infrastructure projects. Urban Transit Evolution, a new report by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Siemens UK, explores the challenges city leaders face in choosing the right combination of transport solutions to address their short- and long-term urban mobility challenges.

IoT-enabled buildings: still in construction

In a smarter building staff perform better, according to Martin Gaarn Thomsen, ISS group chief operating officer. That’s why ISS is investing heavily in the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform the management of over 25,000 buildings worldwide. In fact, Mr Thomsen says that it’s the single largest investment in technology that the Danish company has ever made since its inception in 1901.

Read this article written by the EIU and sponsored by both ARM and IBM to learn more.


Transformation in store

In the IoT Business Index 2016, compiled by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by ARM and IBM, respondents from the consumer goods and retail industry are the most likely to agree that the IoT is one of the most important parts of their organisation’s digital transformation strategy. Fifty-six percent of respondents from this sector say this is a case, putting them ahead of those in IT and technology (54%), infrastructure (53%) and financial services (52%).

Read this article written by the EIU and sponsored by ARM and IBM to learn more.


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