Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Revolution in the making

Second, and just as significantly, the machinery that manufacturers use to create their products is ripe for the instrumentation, automation and more sophisticated analysis that the IoT allows. Indeed, so great is the expected potential of the IoT in manufacturing that some are predicting a fourth industrial revolution (“Industry 4.0”) to spring from its use.

En route to connected cars

The average automobile now contains more than 60 wired and wireless connections, from which its on-board computer collects and crunches data from sensors, GPS units, infotainment systems, mobile devices—and increasingly the Internet.  Read this article written by the EIU and sponsored by ARM and IBM as part of the IoT Business Index 2016 to learn more.


IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a key driver of the digital transformation that will enable businesses to reinvent products, services, internal operations and business models. As a result, the majority of executives surveyed by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for this report believe that following an IoT technology path is crucial to their long-term success.

Better Life Breakthroughs: Innovation in Investment - Chinese

访问金融数据分析公司Amareos首席执行官Philippe El-Asmar

Better Life Breakthroughs: Innovation in Investment - Chinese



Startup My City

The concept of what constitutes a smart city is vague, and ranges from a narrow definition of technology to one that considers quality of life more broadly across a range of areas, such as education, the environment, safety and governance. 

How to make the cybersecurity profession interesting again

Cybersecurity is fast becoming the world’s most glamorous profession nobody wants to do.

Rising risk in the Asia-Pacific region

The year 2016 was a year of extraordinary political and business events around the world. Companies in the Asia-Pacific region, though they faced fewer overt political changes than firms in other regions, still faced a range of unusually challenging events. The year began, for example, with a significant drop on the Shanghai stock market, which affected firms around Asia and investors around the world. China’s slowing economy is resetting some companies’ expectations for growth.

Rising risk in Western Europe

The year 2016 was a time of extraordinary events for the citizens and businesses of Europe. Sixty years of European firms’ economic assumptions were brought into question by the UK’s vote to leave the European Union. Major terrorist attacks occurred in Brussels, Nice and Berlin. Populist parties challenged the political order in France, the Netherlands and other countries. Cyber-crime continued to threaten European firms.


Read this European Market Briefing, written by the EIU and sponsored by FTI, to learn more. 


Time to turn the circular economy into practice

There is a clear business case for improving the resource efficiency of the economy. Yet, this remains an area of policy that is often overlooked, misunderstood or lacking in substance. It is time for EU institutions and the UK government to give much more impetus to this agenda.

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