Healthcare perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Bringing healthcare to hard-hit areas in Bangladesh




Suffering in silence: Assessing rare disease awareness and management in Japan

In November-December 2019, The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 100 practising healthcare professionals from Japan, as part of an Asia-Pacific analysis of understanding and challenges faced in managing rare diseases.

Our survey respondents from Japan comprised general practitioners or primary care physicians (44%), specialist physicians (35%), nurses (6%) and pharmacists (14%). The majority of respondents reported working in private (64%) and public or teaching
healthcare institutions (16%).


Full reports:

Suffering in silence: Assessing rare disease awareness and management in China

In November-December 2019, The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 100 practising healthcare professionals from China; as part of an Asia-Pacific analysis of understanding and challenges faced in managing rare diseases.

Our survey respondents from China comprised general practitioners or primary care physicians (44%), specialist physicians (36%), nurses (6%) and pharmacists (14%). The majority of respondents reported working in public hospitals (74%) with 13% working in a teaching hospital, and 8% employed in a private hospital or outpatient clinic.


Suffering in silence: Assessing rare disease awareness and management in Australia

In November-December 2019, The Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 103 practising healthcare professionals from Australia, as part of an Asia-Pacific analysis of understanding and challenges faced in managing rare diseases.

Our survey respondents from Australia comprised general practitioners or primary care physicians (45.5%), specialist physicians (34.2%), nurses (8.0%) and pharmacists (12.3%). Respondents predominately worked in private (49.7%) and public or teaching healthcare institutions (46.5%).


Full reports:

無聲的苦難: 亞太地區罕見疾病 之認知與管理評估


本次由CSL Behring公司贊助經濟學人智庫的研究將著眼於亞太地區罕見疾病所面臨的困境、五個經濟體如何準備應對這一挑戰,並回顧各國相關措施如何提供更佳罕見疾病照護。本報告經匯整並分析由500多名臨床醫生的大量調查資料,與16位學術、醫學、政府和罕見疾病專家的訪談,以及廣泛的文案研究。

於2019年11月至12月,經濟學人智庫 (The Economist Intelligence Unit)調查了5個亞太國家的503名醫療專業人員,以評估他們對罕見疾病的了解,並找出國家醫療系統所面臨的挑戰。受訪者包括執業專科醫生(n=172名)、基層醫療醫師(n=229名)、護士(n=40名)及藥師(n=62名)。受訪市場包括澳洲(n=103)、中國(n=100)、日本(n=100)、韓國(n=100)和台灣(n=100)。


침묵 속의 고통: 아시아태평양 지 역내 희귀질환 인지도 및 질병관 리 현황 평가

희귀질환에 대한 이해와 함께 아태지역국가들은 중대한 과제들을 해결해야 하며 일부과제들은 아직도 부상 중이다. 많은 아태국가들의 보건사회제도가 발전하고 있지만해결책을 모색하는 과정은 아직도 진행 중이다

The Economist Intelligence Unit 의 이번보고서는 CSL Behring 의 후원으로 아태지역에서의 희귀질환의 양상을 살펴보고, 다섯아태 국가의 희귀질환 대응 수준 및 환자진료개선을 위한 정책들을 검토한다. 본 보고서는500 명 이상의 임상가, 16 명의 학계, 의료계, 정부, 환자 전문가들을 대상으로 한 설문조사와 광범위한 자료조사를 토대로작성되었다.

アジアにおける希少疾患: 認知度・QoL向上に向けた 課題と取り組み


ザ・エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット(EIU)がCSL ベーリングの協賛の下で作成した本報告書では、アジア太平洋地域5 カ国が希少疾患の分野で直面する課題と対応、診療体制の改革に向けた取り組みについて検証する。本報告書の作成に当たっては、医療関係者500名以上を対象としたアンケート調査、学術機関・医療機関・政府関係者・エキスパート患者16名に対する聞き取り調査、そして詳細にわたるデスクリサーチが実施された。

本報告書の作成にあたり、ザ・エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット(EIU)はアジア太平洋地域5 カ国の医療関係者503名を対象とするアンケート調査を2019 年11 〜12 月にかけて実施した。その目的は、希少疾患の認知レベルを理解し、各国政府が直面する課題を検証することだ。調査対象者の内訳は、専門医172 名、一般開業医229 名、看護師40 名、薬剤師62 名(いずれも現職)。国別の内訳は、オーストラリア103 名、中国100 名、日本100 名、韓国100 名、台湾100 名となっている。

无声的苦难:亚太地区罕见病 的认知与管理评估

随着亚太地区打算开始掌控罕见病这项社会议题,接下来将有许多重大且不断浮现的挑战需要应对。 虽然医疗与社会系统在许多层面有相当的进展,但仍有许多问题有待解决。

本次由杰特贝林CSL Behring公司赞助经济学人智库的研究将着眼于亚太地区罕见病所面临的困境、五个经济体如何准备应对这一挑战,并回顾各国相关措施如何为罕见病提供更好的医疗服务。 本报告汇整并分析了涵盖500多名临床医生的大量调查数据,以及与16位研究、医疗、政府和病友组织方面的专家的访谈,并进行了广泛的案头研究。

2019年11月至12月,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit)访问了五个亚太市场的503名医疗专业人员,以评估他们对罕见病的了解,并找出地区医疗系统所面临的挑战。 受访者包括执业中的专科医生(n=172名)、基层医疗医师(n=229名)、护
士(n=40名)及药师(n=62名) 。 受访市场包括澳大利亚(n=103)、中国大陆(n=100)、日本(n=100)、韩国(n=100)和台湾 (n=100)。此外,我们与16名来自临床与病友组织的专家代表进行了深入情境式访谈,从而为本研究计划和这份报告提供了参考。 我们诚挚地感谢以下人员的参与及洞见:

Around a quarter of heart attack or stroke patients in Asia-Pacific are re-hospitalised with a follow-on event, according to The Economist Intelligence Unit

Addressing recurrent cardiovascular events in Asia-Pacific

Healthcare | How will covid-19 reshape key Australian industries?

On March 11th 2020, the Australian federal government announced a A$2.4bn (US$1.6bn) funding injection into the healthcare sector to help states and territories cover the public health costs associated with treating covid-19 cases. The overall strategy was to minimise the number of people becoming sick and dying from covid-19 as well as managing the demand on Australia’s health systems.

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