Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Using real-time information in manufacturing

Manufacturers are awash with data. From their supply chains through to mechanical movements on the shop floor, outbound logistics, sales, service and beyond, the amount of real-time information available to manufacturers is enormous. 

Swiss banks try to raise homegrown fintech startups to global stage

There are 160 fintech startups in Switzerland—a number that is growing steadily. But Swiss startups, finance focused or otherwise, have historically struggled with international growth, lacking a real incentive to think beyond their borders.

Reopening the ethical debate on genetic engineering

A new technique has made it possible and cheap to edit the human germline. Society needs to discuss the ethical implications sooner rather than later

The Business of Data

Despite the obvious benefits of using superior data to drive value-added marketing strategies, companies are facing many barriers, including regulatory uncertainty, consumer privacy issues, security concerns and budget constraints. So while the possibilities of digital disruption and big data are endless, companies need to think very carefully about how to execute their plans to avoid some common pitfalls.

Companies preparing to monetise data, finds new EIU report

The Business of Data Infographic-From Information to Income

The Business of Data

What the Paris Agreement means for the private sector

The Paris climate-change agreement endorses the low-carbon approach to doing business. More companies now need to embrace the new disclosure regime and set goals to help to meet the new climate targets, argues Paul Simpson, chief executive officer of the international not-for-profit CDP.

Innovating supply chains in Asia

This article series, sponsored by BNP Paribas, explores how senior executives across an array of different industries are achieving remarkable innovations through their supply chains.

Towards the modular city

A new era of mass urbanisation requires new architectural design and construction techniques. Modular design is among the most promising

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