Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Mobile opportunities for Africa

“Mobile health (mHealth) is democratising healthcare in Africa as we speak, bringing healthcare to the people who need it most”, says Onno Schellekens, chief executive of PharmAccess Group, a Dutch NGO dedicated to inclusive healthcare.

The network paradigm and the city

The future will see cities shift towards becoming “smart” network-based areas enabled by technology. And intelligent street and traffic lights are just the start, according to Bas Boorsma Director, Internet of Everything, Northern Europe, Cisco.

Vibrant Economy

This series of blog posts and infographics, sponsored by Grant Thorton, seeks to explore how a vibrant economy can be scoped, shaped and developed in the UK.

With insights from leading experts across the UK's businesses, cities and public and third sector organisations, this series aims to stimulate ideas and actions that can create a vibrant economy – one which realises the shared potential of companies, cities, people and communities across the UK.


Building a digital Nigeria

Key findings:

- Digital technology is essential for Nigeria’s economic diversification. Access to internet and mobile has improved markedly over the last decade, helping drive non-oil GDP growth. However, the country is still overly reliant on oil for public revenues and export earnings, and poverty rates are stubbornly high, suggesting the economic transformation has further to go.

The cyber-chasm: How the disconnect between the C-suite and security endangers the enterprise

Research Methodology

In January-February 2016, the EIU, surveyed 1,100 senior executives on data security practices within their firms. The survey’s primary objective was to analyse the differences, if any, between the C-suite and senior IT executives on data security.

The survey sample was recruited from companies with between $500 million and $10 billion in revenues, and is equally representative of the Americas, Asia-Pacific and European regions. The panel came from 20 industries, with no single industry accounting for more than 14% of the total.

The cyber-chasm: How the disconnect between the C-suite and security endangers the enterprise

Not so, according to a new global survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by VMware. Instead, the research found a systematic disconnect between C-suite executives and senior technology leaders—a divide that can imperil the security of the firm.

Download the full report to learn more.

Study finds only 7 Percent of IT and business executives believe cloud computing has reached its full potential

Growth Crossings: The emerging age of customisation

The emerging age of customisation

What is the potential for product and service customisation in emerging markets, and how ready are supply chains to support these strategies?

Growth Crossings is a global event and content series sponsored by Standard Chartered and produced by Economist Events and The Economist Intelligence Unit.


Building a digital Nigeria

With a GDP of $568 billion, Nigeria is Africa’s biggest economy. Home to more than 180 million people1 , it is also the continent’s most populous nation. Economic liberalisation has drawn investors from across the world, and the non-oil sector is growing at a healthy clip.

The artificial teacher

The same technology that helps advertisers learn about your interests could be used to supercharge education

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