Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Danger of protectionism in the fourth industrial revolution

Interview with Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia.

Too many robots, too few taps: Time to rethink our management of technology?

How can companies manage the evolution and use of technology?

25 social business leaders

In 2014, The Economist Intelligence Unit identified 25 leaders who were successfully applying social technologies, principles and strategies within organisations around the world.

The Business of Data-Japanese

Enabling Telehealth

An animated overview of telehealth policies worldwide, with a look at how Gulf Cooperation Council nations fare. What types of challenges are faced by patients and providers?

Business leaders optimistic about the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s impact on jobs

New EIU poll finds that 44% of executives believe technology will increase employment but industries such as manufacturing are more pessimistic

Healthcare to benefit most from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, executives predict

The healthcare sector is best placed to benefit from the merging of physical, digital and biological systems, but it is among the least well prepared

Crystal Balls: Startups and the Future of the App Economy

The premiere of The Economist Intelligence Unit’s latest documentary, “Crystal Balls: Startups and the Future of the App Economy”, will see the exploration of three rising digital ecosystems around the world. Through our distinguished interviewees, the film provides new insights and gives guidance on how to further integrate technology in governance, business and the economy. 

How mobile is transforming retail

This report, sponsored by SAP SE, assesses the use of mobile devices by global consumers for both basic and sophisticated tasks. 

Key findings include;

How mobile is transforming retail

In a few short years, shopping using a handheld device on a commute to work or over lunch has shifted from a far-fetched possibility to a firmly embedded part of consumers’ lives. In many Asian markets, mobile purchases now comprise more than half of online shopping; in the UK, the proportion of online spending originating from mobile phones has risen from less than 1% to 37% in four years. The mobile revolution has arrived— and it will continue to profoundly reshape the global industry.

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