Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




Managing information effectively: a cross industry perspective

Beyond spreadsheets - Japanese

Beyond spreadsheets - Korean

Beyond spreadsheets

Big data evolution

Big data evolution

Why read this report

  • Since 2011, a significantly larger proportion of companies have come to regard and manage data as a strategic corporate asset
  • Strategic data management is correlated with strong financial performance
  • Data-strategy ownership has been elevated and centralised, while engagement and demand from the business is at an all-time high
  • Data initiatives have moved from theoretical possibilities to focus on solving real and pressing business problems
  • Technical challenges associated with quality, quantity and security persist

Big data evolution

The tone of corporate conversations about big data continues to shift from initial excitement to expecting long-term business impact. 

What are the hallmarks of this current stage of evolution, and what does the path to "data adulthood" look like from here? Download our new report to find out.

Fighting smart

Fighting smart: Strategy options for telecoms operators is an Economist Intelligence Unit white paper, sponsored by Amdocs. The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for its content. The Economist Intelligence Unit’s editorial team conducted the research and wrote the report. The findings and views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

The analysis in the report is based on interviews with senior executives of telecoms network operators and independent industry experts, as well as on desk research.

Catching rays

IT modernisation

Research Methodology

Our research drew on two main initiatives. We conducted a global online survey in February of 2009 with 170 executives from various industries. To supplement the results, we conducted in-depth interviews with executives from around the world about the challenges and opportunities they face with regard to IT modernisation. Our thanks are due to all who contributed to the report for their time and insights.

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