Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



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Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The transport sector arrives early to the challenges of automation

As an early adopter of real-time information, the transport sector is experiencing challenges today that will be widespread in the near future. 

In this video interview, Patrick Bossert, Digital transformation director at Network Rail, explores how real-time data is reshaping the railways.

Manufacturing supply chains

Collaborating with suppliers can give companies a competitive edge. How are leading manufacturing companies driving innovation and cutting costs through collaborative supplier relationships? 

Data strategy moving up to the C-suite new Economist Intelligence Unit report finds

Telecoms: Beyond Connectivity

On the Front Lines

The empowered sales team

Broadening healthcare access in Brazil through innovation

This is a research report written by the Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by Roche.  Brazil's economy is booming on the back of deepening credit markets, a growing middle class and rising investment in physical infrastructure, but serious shortcomings in its healthcare sector represent one of the key constraints on attaining developed-country standards of prosperity.  Making the healtcare sector more effective--and innovative--will require sweeping changes to the business practices of healthcare providers and life science companies.

A time for new ideas

Why read this report?

Under pressure: The changing role of the healthcare CIO

Next-Generation CIOs

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