Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




The Internet of organs

Digital technology already underpins the supply of organ transplants, but there is plenty of room for further innovation

New report focuses on the app economy and what kinds of collaborations among governments, enterprises and startups are most useful

New EIU programme highlights successes and opportunities in efforts to tackle Hepatitis C

How to think about computers in the 21st century

Has our perception of computers really changed?

Cyber security: how a compliance mindset can prove dangerous

How industries which introduce regulatory compliance are often viewed as prepared for cyber security issues that arise

Future proofing brands for an era of digital transformation

What does it take to keep a company and its brand at the top today?

Re-engineering Planet Earth

Climate change has prompted some scientists to give serious consideration to re-engineering the earth’s atmosphere. The risks are formidable.

New rules for the content age

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

A new age of sustainable product

We have entered a new age of product. What companies sell no longer solely entails a client’s needs. It is that, and much more.

Why do marketers need to rethink their approach to thought leadership?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton


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