Technology and innovation perspectives from The Economist Intelligence Unit



Hero Carousel


Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition
IoT Business Index 2017: Transformation in Motion




A new age of sustainable product

We have entered a new age of product. What companies sell no longer solely entails a client’s needs. It is that, and much more.

Why do marketers need to rethink their approach to thought leadership?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton


What's an example of best practice in thought leadership?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton


What disconnect did you see in the study?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

The connected oceans

Is content saturation a big problem

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

Are marketers prioritising the audience enough when setting objectives?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

How do you see the context for thought leadership today?

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

Why do executives remain hungry for thought leadership despite content saturation

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

The relevance of thought leadership today

Content sponsored by Hill&Knowlton

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