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A 2016 round up on international trade




Manufacturing in Motion: Transforming for a New Industrial Era

Manufacturers are navigating a period of intense change as digitalization and advanced technologies transform the sector in what is often called the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. These changes add to the traditional business pressures of manufacturers, but also offer unprecedented opportunities to optimize production processes. 

Clean Growth Strategy: an important milestone for the UK economy

By showing cross-government commitment to growing low-carbon investments and setting out measures to cut emissions across the UK economy, the Clean Growth Strategy sends a clear signal to the business community. Detailed policies in areas such as energy efficiency in buildings will now be essential to ensure private-sector investment is significantly increased and UK climate targets are met.

Bridging the Strategy Design-Delivery Gap: What the Leaders are doing

Harnessing the power of the feedback loops for strategy design and delivery

Designing and delivering a strategy that works: Managing the two faces of culture

Closing the Gap: Designing and Delivering a Strategy that Works

Strategy has little value until it is implemented. In a world where disruption can happen overnight, moving rapidly from strategy design to delivery is critical. Yet too many companies go only halfway, putting their best resources into design and in effect ending up treating delivery as an afterthought. As a result, strategies fail, customers leave, key talent is lost and financial performance suffers. 

Carbon efficiency for competitiveness

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Powering the future: Driving business growth with low-carbon strategies

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Moving the Needle: Corporate climate action for a low-carbon world

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