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A 2016 round up on international trade




Innovation through acquisition: Can businesses buy their way into innovation?

Big firms are hungry for more innovation than they can generate themselves, and acquisition offers them the opportunity to promote good ideas with corporate scale. 

How PWC innovates through acquisitions

James Fillingham, head of transaction services, on the role that acquisition plays in the global advisory firm's innovation strategy: 

“We take what they [acquired employees] are good at, we put them in a place with people who think in a like-minded way, and then we put in place a framework to help us industrialise and commercialise that more effectively.”

Culture clash - the challenge of innovation through acquisition

Despite political turbulence and currency volatility, UK companies are ready to do deals—especially if merger and acquisition (M&A) activity allows them to get their hands on valuable innovations. In uncertain times acquisitions offer routes to innovation that internal resources alone cannot provide.

The race to acquire German innovation

Large German companies, particularly those in the country’s innovative engineering and manufacturing sectors, have recently been making headlines as acquisition targets for foreign suitors. In 2016 the €4.5bn (US$5.4bn) acquisition of pioneering robot maker KUKA by Chinese appliance manufacturer Midea exemplified growing Chinese interest in German investments.

Can German companies buy their way to innovation?

Acquiring innovation in the UK

Growth Crossings: The geopolitics of commerce

US withdraws from the Paris agreement; a trade war between US and China; a large-scale cyber attack on banks and telcos; a pandemic outbreak in the Middle East; “Italexit” from the euro – what risks and opportunities could these scenarios bring to international trade and investment?

From data overload to effective decision-making

This is the age of data. A simple activity like going for a run now involves data collection and analysis through a FitBit wristband with GPS tracking. Recover at a coffee shop, and your caramel macchiato comes with a spreadsheet with 260 pieces of nutritional information. Should you order the grande whole-milk version with 25 grams of sugar and 28 grams of carbs? Or the short with coconut milk and roughly half the calories?

Progress Maker: Rick Defieux Co-founder, SJF Ventures

Progress Maker Profile

Written by The Economist Intelligence Unit

Rick Defieux

Co-founder, SJF Ventures

Challenge: Develop a new way of doing business that drives environmental and social impact as powerfully as profits.

Progress Maker: N.R. Narayana Murthy Founder of Infosys Ltd.

Progress Maker Profile

Written by The Economist Intelligence Unit

N.R. Narayana Murthy

Founder of Infosys Ltd.

Challenge: Improving future prospects for India and its people, over half of whom lived in poverty in the 1970s.

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