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A 2016 round up on international trade




Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life in Japan - Infographic

Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life - Japanese

「リアリティ・チェック:健康・経済プラン・QOL が映し出す未来像と現実のギャップ」 は、メットライフ生命による協力の下でザ・エコノミスト・インテリジェンス・ユニット(EIU)が作成した報告書である。本報告書の作成にあたっては、8カ国・地域の合計1600 名を対象としたアンケート調査を実施して分析を行った(オーストラリア・中国・香港・インド・日本・マレーシア・韓国・米国)。アンケート調査では、健康、経済プラン、クオリティ・オブ・ライフ(QOL)という3 分野の将来的見通しについて10 項目の質問を準備し、回答者の答えを入手可能なデータや指数ランキング、予測分析と比較した。

今回の調査目的の1 つは、上記3 分野について回答者の基本知識のレベルをテストし、定年後の人生にどの程度備えているのかを評価することだ。調査結果からは、より効果的な健康管理や資産設計のために必要な知識が不足している現状が明らかになった。アンケート全体として見ると、現時点でのデータや予測値に最も近い回答を選択した調査対象者はわずか37%にとどまっている。健康管理・資産設計に関する質問で、最も高い理解レベルを示したのは日本(47%)と韓国(44%)だった。両国は共に人口の急速な高齢化に直面しており、国民がこうした問題に対して高い意識を持っていることがその背景として考えられる。

Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life

Safeguarding one’s wealth and health in today’s modern world is becoming increasingly complicated. Citizens in developed economies continue to face new challenges, such as life-altering financial decisions and retirement, that used to be largely the responsibility of governments and employers. Those living in rapidly-growing economies, where social and economic circumstances are undergoing significant transformations must now similarly deal with unfamiliar financial products such as pensions, investments for retirement, and insurance.

Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life

Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life is an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report supported by MetLife Japan that analyses the results of a survey of 1,600 respondents across eight economies: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and the United States. The survey asked respondents ten questions on their expectations for their future health, wealth, and quality of life. Their answers were compared against available data, rankings and forecasts.

Changemakers: The collaboration ecosystem

In the digital age, few companies can successfully go it alone. Seeking strength in partnerships, ecosystems are forming across the world in which organisations collaborate to advance their digital capabilities. Historically, North America and Europe have been the focus of these networks, but in Australia a new, vibrant digital ecosystem culture is emerging.

Collaborative innovative digital ecosystems on the rise in Australia, according to new EIU study

A New Industrial Revolution: Building the Future of U.S. Manufacturing

This article explores the wide-ranging ways this shift is reshaping the U.S. manufacturing industry and offering unprecedented opportunities to businesses. It discusses how advanced technologies are enabling optimized and customized production, enhancing jobs, supporting growth in emerging manufacturing sectors, and facilitating the rise of start-up producers.

U.S. Manufacturers: Gaining Strength Through Change

This article examines the evolution of U.S. manufacturing in four phases, from steam power to digitalization. It explores the underlying economic, social and technological forces that enabled each shift and the results of these changes, as well as their impact on the labor force.

Open Government Data initiatives are viewed as a positive among citizens around the world, EIU survey finds

Open Government Data: Assessing demand around the world

Open government data (OGD) is information contained in government databases and private servers that can be freely accessed, used and republished by people and businesses. OGD is a relatively recent phenomenon but it’s availability and use has grown significantly in recent years. For example, citizens in many countries now regularly access information related to transportation, the environment and security through apps and via other platforms built on OGD. To be used at its full potential, however, OGD services must align with the interests and requirements of users.

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