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A 2016 round up on international trade




How to reduce global warming: A roadmap

Greenhouse-gas emissions from human sources need to fall to net zero by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change. Can the combination of initiatives such as the Carbon Law, Project Drawdown and 100% Renewables and Electrification provide a viable roadmap to reduce global warming?

Embracing a pattern of change: Model Innovation across banking, insurance and asset management

 “This is a world of six-month product development cycles and constant updates, primarily of software, with a huge premium on simple user interfaces and trusted security.”
These are the words of Christine Lagarde, managing director of the international monetary fund (IMF) in a 2017 speech at a Bank of England conference in London. She was outlining her vision of the financial services sector in the year 2040. She adds this is “a world where data is king. A world of many new players without imposing branch offices.”

Preventing a "frozen middle": How to engage middle managers to close the strategy implementation gap

In a global survey of 500 corporate leaders conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit,1 respondents pointed to middle and line managers as potential impediments to fulfilling strategic ambitions. The EIU interviewed Bharat Anand and John Seifert to explore the nature of— and solutions to—challenges in engaging the so-called frozen middle. Learn more by downloading our Q&A below. 

Better life breakthroughs

Better life breakthroughs is a content series produced by The EIU and sponsored by Standard Chartered Private Bank. The aim of the series is to analyse innovations that have the capacity to extend and enrich life, create new experiences and improve society in general. For those with the means to incorporate cutting-edge technology into their lives – thereby experiencing the future before it becomes mainstream – the impact may prove more revolutionary than anyone can imagine.

Labour pains: Coming shifts in the world of work - Simplified Chinese Video

未来劳动力结构、职场力量平衡和办公场所设计将发生怎样的变化?我们采访了未来职场(Future Workplace)公司创始合伙人Jeanne Meister以及伍兹贝格(Woods Bagot)合伙人、亚洲区办公空间设计总监袁文翰。

Labour pains: Coming shifts in the world of work - Simplified Chinese

由渣打私人银行赞助,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit/The EIU)撰写的《劳工的困境:即将到来的职场变革》是“更美好的生活突破”系列的第二份报告。该系列报告旨在分析能够扩展和丰富生活、创造全新体验,并且可能改善整个社会的创新。本系列第一份报告研究了为高净值投资者开辟新的投资机会的技术进步。


Labour pains: Coming shifts in the world of work - Video

How will the workforce and workplace change in the coming years? Jeanne Meister, founding partner of Future Workplace and Ray Yuen, principal and Asia workplace design leader of Woods Bagot share their insights.

Labour pains: Coming shifts in the world of work

The media and popular literature abound with visions of work in the future. Some are dystopian, foreseeing a workplace where software and machines perform most tasks and humans are thin on the ground. Others are benign, anticipating that current modes of work will survive well into the future, and that new technologies will make work and the workplace a more enjoyable experience than today. However, even those of the latter, more optimistic bent acknowledge that the path to the work future will be strewn with difficult realities that employers and employees will need to face up to.

Remember the 5th of November – Vote Rigging, Fake News and Bots

What would a modern ‘Guy Fawkes’ do differently, and would the powder detonate?

Reality check-ups: Knowledge gaps in health, wealth, and quality of life in Japan - Japanese Infographic

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