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A 2016 round up on international trade




Making the Most of Machine Learning

Research conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and written in discussion with SAP shows that many organizations are moving ahead now, some aggressively, to integrate ML into their operations. For example, the survey of 360 organizations shows that on average 68% use ML to at least some extent today to enhance their business processes.

Making the Most of Machine Learning

ML is not just a technology; it is core to the business strategies that have led to the surging value of organizations that incorporate it into their operating models—think Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb. Fast Learner organizations get that. 

Fewer Fast Learners than other organizations suffer from a lack of strategic clarity about ML. And fewer are plagued by organizational resistance to change. The reason may be that ML is viewed as more than a tactical tool for simply automating away costs and people. 


2016年,經濟學人集團發起了“驕傲與偏 見:商業和經濟中男同性戀、女同性戀、雙性戀和跨性別者(LGBT)的多元化和包容性問題”計劃的第一階段。作為計劃的一部分,經濟學人智庫(The Economist Intelligence Unit/The EIU)開展了一項研究, 基於廣泛的全球調查和深入的案頭研究探討 LGBT人群在工作場所的地位。現在,在計劃 開展的第二年,這項研究涵蓋了最能為工作 場所的LGBT人群推動積極變革的群體:公司領導、年輕人和女性。 



為了揭示當前職場中對LGBT人群的看法和態度,經濟學人智庫(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)於2015年10月到11月 期間針對全球1,021名意見領袖在網上進行了「驕傲與偏見」基準調查。從他們的觀點中,我們深刻了解到了在為LGBT群體權利謀 求更多平等權利時需解決的問題。 

大體上,那些調查對像看上去並沒有表現出 對LGBT人群的歧視態度。在很多時候,基於性取向和性別認同(SOGI)多樣性的進步根本還沒有成為熱門話題。這要是由於LGBT一直被視為「隱性」的少數群體。過去有研究表明,很多LGBT人士在某種程度上都會在工作中隱瞞自己的性取向,在美國這一比例高達53%。根深蒂固的規範阻止員工談論這個話題,迫使他們不得不隱瞞身份;而這方面的空白反過來又塑造了規範,迫使更多的人隱藏自己的秘密。在北美和西歐以外的寬容度不太明顯的社會中,未出櫃員工的比例很可能要比這高得多。 


2016年,经济学人集团发起了“骄傲与偏 见:商业和经济中男同性恋、女同性恋、 双性恋和跨性别者(LGBT)的多元化和 包容性问题”计划的第一阶段。作为计划的一部分,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit/The EIU)开展了一项研究,基于广泛的全球调查和深入的案头研究探讨LGBT人群在工作场所的地位。现在, 在计划开展的第二年,这项研究涵盖了最能 为工作场所的LGBT人群推动积极变革的群 体:公司领导、年轻人和女性。 

为了找出这些变革的动力,我们首先要了解企业中存在的偏见程度。尽管有一些正面的发现,例如支持一般意义上的LGBT权利的高管人员所占比例很高,但对LGBT的敌意仍然非常普遍;每十位高管中就有一位意识到办公场所存在对LGBT人群的某种歧视。LGBT 群体通常会在工作中隐藏自己的身份,这种低调致使人们认为这并不是一个需要系统化解决的问题,专门制定计划来不断推进问题解决的动力少之又少。 


为了揭示当前职场中对LGBT人群的看 法和态度,经济学人智库(The Economist Intelligence Unit/EIU)于2015年10月到11月 期间针对全球1,021名意见领袖在网上进行 了“骄傲与偏见”基准调查。从他们的观点 中,我们深刻了解到了在为LGBT群体权利谋求更多平等权利时需解决的问题。 

大体上,那些调查对象看上去并没有表现出 对LGBT人群的歧视态度。在很多时候,基 于性取向和性别认同(SOGI)多样性的进步根本还没有成为热门话题。这要是由于LGBT 一直被视为“隐性”的少数群体。过去有研 究表明,很多LGBT人士在某种程度上都会在工作中隐瞒自己的性取向,在美国这一比例高达53%。根深蒂固的规范阻止员工谈论这个话题,迫使他们不得不隐瞒身份;而这方面的空白反过来又塑造了规范,迫使更多的人隐藏自己的秘密。在北美和西欧以外的宽容度不太明显的社会中,未出柜员工的比 例很可能要比这高得多。 

Communication barriers in the modern workplace

It wasn’t long ago that a work meeting meant gathering around a table to discuss an agenda. These days you may be using Slack, Hangouts or other digital collaboration platforms that blend messaging with video and allow real-time editing of documents. Even with these tools, communication at work can still break down, potentially endangering careers, creating stressful work environments and slowing growth.

Rethinking professional services in an age of disruption

In October-November 2017 we conducted a survey of 307 senior executives from companies headquartered in the US, UK and continental Europe, with annual revenue of at least US$1bn. All respondents were director-level or above, and were responsible for managing professional service-provider relationships in three categories: legal and compliance, marketing, and management consulting.

Marketing at speed

Nuno Teles has a difficult job: getting US consumers to show some brand loyalty. As chief marketing officer of Heineken USA, he depends on using content, in multiple formats and published at a quick pace, to keep digitally savvy, slogan-leery customers engaged. Unlike in the past, when a catchy ad delivered across multiple channels would be enough, marketers today often have to manage a stream of fresh ideas across video, social media and other digital platforms.

The management consulting conundrum

Disruptive business and economic trends have always been a boon for global management consultants. When companies struggle to adapt to shifting market demands they rely on the guidance of external, objective experts to help them stay competitive. After all, alumni from elite consultancies include high-profile business leaders such as Meg Whitman, Sheryl Sandberg and Jeff Immelt.

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