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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Manufacturing and the data conundrum

Report Summary

The way forward

A Delicate Stage: The Future of Renminbi as a Global Investment Currency-Chinese

UAE Expats and the Bottom Line

Global Challenges in Asset Management - Emerging markets shift gears

Highlights from webinar in Dubai

Highlights from webinar in Dubai - Emerging Markets, Alpha, Beta or Bust? 

Highlights from webinar in Kuala Lumpur

Global Challenges in Asset Management: Highlights from Kuala Lumpur webinar. 

That Shrinking Feeling Infographic

Operations power performance

Top findings from the survey

  • Increasingly intense regulation and governance and changes in market structure are cited as the key forces driving business transformation today.
  • Building automated processes that integrate risk management, audit trails and compliance processes is the most effective strategy for adapting to more intense regulatory and governance requirements.
  • Risk management is rated by all executives as the most important overall strategy in their organization’s response to global challenges.

Interview with Richard Nield

Richard Nield, VP Treasurer at Cargill Asia Pacific in Singapore, explores the changing role of corporate treasury.

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