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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Renminbi on course to become global investment currency, despite market volatility

Boards don’t recognise our growing strategic role, say corporate treasurers in new report

Capital markets to 2030 - Global re-alignment

Future Factors 2015 The 3 Rs of retail banking: Regulate; Revise; Re-envisage

"Regulate" still resonates as authorities finalise efforts to police the systems without stymieing economic growth. Equally challenging is "Revise" as traditional players work out their roles as customer expectations change rapidly. Further impetus comes from the start-ups and non-banking disruptors who aim to "Re-envisage" banking. 

Financing the Fragile Economic Recovery

Financing the Fragile Economic Recovery

Since the global financial crisis, global treasury and cash management have entered a period of adjustment. Corporate treasurers are grappling with an increasingly uncertain macro environment and with time-consuming regulatory and compliance burdens. These factors cause major challenges for many companies that are keen to expand in the face of a sluggish economic recovery. At the same time, new technological capabilities and partnerships as well as the corporate treasurer's increasingly strategic role within the business offer major opportunities. 

The Investment Agenda

In this animation, The Economist Intelligence Unit explain how a holistic view of the world can benefit your investments

Insurance 2015

Insurance for the mobile generation

Insurance 2015

The unintended consequences of policy and regulation

Insurance 2015

Election insight: what will a change in government mean for business

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