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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Tailored Direct Private Equity: Insights from Jose Camacho, Cyril Demaria and Dweep Chanana

The financial industry has undergone substantial change since the banking crisis of 2008. This change is particularly evident in the investment approach from private investors. Whereas in the past they may have been content to fully delegate investment decisions, the crisis accelerated a shift by the most sophisticated investors to insource important functions.

Stakeholder reporting: Michael Meehan on reshaping corporate culture

Corporations are not islands – they exist in a vast ecosystem of stakeholders, including shareholders, suppliers, employees, regulation, and markets. And when something happens to disrupt that ecosystem, stakeholder confidence is lost which can drastically affect a company's market value and its ability to do business - after all markets are based on trust.

How mobile is transforming insurance

Key findings include:

  • 62% of insurance executives believe mobile has unique capabilities with the potential to change the insurance business
  • 76%-87% of consumers express concern about mobile data privacy and security.
  • Insurers will need to allay customer concerns about the collection and use of their personal data and demonstrate the benefits
  • Insurers are beginning to offer traditional insurance products in new ways, including “on-demand” coverage

The ascent of real assets

Why read this report

  • Within the next year, 60% of the institutions surveyed will increase allocations of real assets
  • Motivations like returns and macro-environment considerations are driving real-asset allocations
  • A spike in interest rates might influence investment in real assets; half of the survey respondents say rates will act as a headwind
  • Respondents (30%) plan to increase the number of employees dedicated to real assets in the next year

How mobile is transforming retail banking

Key findings include:

  • 82% of retail bankers agree or agree strongly that in the next five years mobile will become the number one channel for millennials and younger consumers—banks’ future customers
  • Today only 15% of transactions are conducted via mobile devices—that percentage will to rise to 25% in five years
  • The mobile invasion is forcing banks to navigate a complicated world of new partnerships and rivalries. Emerging partners include mobile-phone companies, retailers and social-media firms

Rebranding Goldman Sachs

“It was a wake-up call,” says E. Gerald Corrigan, managing director at Goldman Sachs, when describing the US$550m fine the firm was issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2010 for misleading investors about a product tied to subprime mortgages. “The reputational damage required great attention which we attempted to address through the Business Standards Committee report (BCS).”

A crisis of culture - Valuing ethics and knowledge in financial services

Driving returns - Global insurers reconsider fixed income and private assets

How mobile is transforming retail banking

Mind the gap

Why do health financing strategies need to be more than just innovative? Health financing remains a global issue, with donor countries continuing to play an important role as part of a holistic financing strategy, argues Nouria Brikci, a health economist at international development consultancy, Oxford Policy Management.

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