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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Interview with Jonathan Leon

Jonathan Leon, Treasurer at The Brink's Company, explores how the changes in the world of regulation have impacted on corporate treasurers.

Interview with Mustafa Kilic

Mustafa Kilic discusses the challenge of geopolitical risk for finance executives

Interview with Damian Glendinning

Lenovo's Damian Glendinning discusses the impact of currency risk and regulation on corporate treasury

Retail banks and big data - Big data as the key to better risk management

Key findings include:

  • 51% of banking executives cite insufficient data as greatest obstacle to better risk management
  • Banks see liquidity and credit risk as presenting the biggest challenges. They also see those two types of risk as offering the biggest potential for improvement.
  • Centralised analytics groups are the most effective way of organising analytics expertise and managing risk exposure

Spotlight on the new wealth builders

Why read this report

  • New Wealth Builders constitute the world's fastest-growing and broadest wealth segment, and yet it is the least-documented group
  • They are self-made - 97% of NWBs earned their wealth, only 3% say they inherited it
  • They are modest - 83% don't consider themselves wealthy
  • Their wealth is newly acquired - 79% of NWBs acquired most of their wealth in the past ten years
  • NWBs are charitable - 97% donate to charity

A Delicate Stage

China’s currency, the renminbi (RMB), is already internationalised: it ranks fourth globally by value of payments, behind only the US dollar, the euro and the British pound. The size of China’s economy and its dominant position in international trade mean that its use in transactions is already commonplace. Yet it is still not comparable to the four major denominations (including the Japanese yen) as an investment currency—i.e. one that is freely usable and enjoys the full confidence of international investors and the companies that service them.

A Delicate Stage: The Future of Renminbi as a Global Investment Currency

Supply chains in financial services

No business can be the best at everything, but some financial services companies are using partnerships with their suppliers to cover any gaps and deliver new value to their clients. By harnessing new technologies and close collaborations, the companies highlighted in this article are using their suppliers to revamp their competitive positions.

Supply chain innovation

This article series, sponsored by BNP Paribas, explores how senior executives across an array of different industries are achieving remarkable innovations through their supply chains.



The wealthy migrant

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