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Green Finance: Making the Transition to a Climate-Resilient Future
A Digital Future: Financial Services and the Generation Game




Rethinking risk in a more uncertain world

This report, commissioned by BlackRock, examines investor sentiment and the outlook for investment strategy at insurance companies worldwide, particularly in relation to their fixed-income portfolios and asset allocation more broadly.  

The disruption of banking

Report Summary

Digital disruption is the top-of-mind technologicdal issues in the C-suite today. Senior executives in virtually every industry are wondering whether their firm will be Amazoned or Ubered. Others take a more nuanced view that new digital players might skim off their best customers or steal a share from their most profitable product lines. All are trying to determine whether they should ignore, acquire, partner or compete with their new technology-driven competitors.

The disruption of banking

In order to develop a fact-based perspective, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise, has conducted parallel surveys of more than 100 senior bankers and 100 Fintech executives. The objective is to determine their respective views on the impact of Fintech, the strengths and weaknesses of the participants and the likely landscape for the retail banking industry over the next five years.

Disruption in the banking industry: Banks

Disruption in the banking industry: Fintech

Global insurance - Investment strategy at an inflection point?

Future factors

Why read this report

  • Regulation is the priority. About half of survey respondents (51%) say regulation will have the biggest impact on their industry in the years to 2020. That feeling is more acute in Europe, but less so in North America—despite the complexity of new US rules.

The CFO role in M&A

The CFO role in M&A

Work to do - women in male-dominated industries in Hong Kong

HSBC Spotlight on US Trade

Globally focused companies had:

  • Better profit margins: In the Northeast, globally oriented companies enjoyed profit margins nearly ten percentage points greater than those of their US-focused counterparts in the region.
  • Higher healthcare margins: Highly international healthcare companies enjoyed profit margins that, on aver¬age, were 10.7 percentage points greater than those of their domestically oriented peers.

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