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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Financing sustainability | Insights video

What is driving the strong demand for financing sustainability in Asia Pacific? How can companies increase supply and start to see the benefits of sustainable finance in the next three years? We interviewed Richard Brandweiner, CEO of Pendal Australia, and Sophia Cheng, CIO of Cathay Financial Holdings and chair of Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, to find out. 

Financing sustainability | Infographic

Financing sustainability: How do investors and issuers in APAC's sustainable finance market view the present market opportunities and constraints?

To learn more:

Social impact: what does it mean, and how should we measure it?

In August 2019, the Business Roundtable recast the purpose of a corporation as “an economy that serves all Americans,” marking a notable shift from the previous guiding principle of shareholder primacy.

UK elections: It’s now or never for climate change and the environment

Putting the UK demonstrably on track for net-zero emissions and reversing the decline of the natural environment should be the defining task of the new government, argues Nick Molho, executive director at the Aldersgate Group

Green intelligence: Asia’s ESG investing, data integrity and technology

Charting the course for ocean sustainability in the Indian Ocean Rim

Charting the course for ocean sustainability in the Indian Ocean Rim is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and the Department of Economic Development Abu Dhabi, which highlights key ocean challenges facing the Indian Ocean Rim countries and showcases initiatives undertaken by governments and the private sector in the region to address these challenges. 

Tailored with technology | Sustainability

Sustainability has evolved from a perception of simply doing good from a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perspective to being linked to profitability. Leading organisations nowadays see corporate sustainability as an advantage. New technology trends are also pushing organisations to do more, at a quicker pace, in order to maintain their market position.

This report finds that successful companies understand the importance of combining technology and sustainability.

Why even the poorest should pay for water

Water is one of the most precious natural resources. Its accessibility is considered a human right, yet too many people worldwide are still deprived of access. Although water is supplied by nature, its safe, clean and reliable delivery to communities around the world is almost entirely man-made.

Climate change: it’s all about delivery

The UK Government has set a clear direction of travel through its commitment to a net zero emissions target and the ambition of its 25 Year Environment Plan. But the credibility of its climate change and environmental ambitions require a significant step up in action over the next 18 months argues Nick Molho, executive director at the Aldersgate Group.

SDGs fundamental to financial investment decisions in Asia according to new EIU report

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