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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Resetting the agenda: Infographic

Resetting the agenda: White Paper

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed a wealth of interconnections – between ecological and human wellbeing, between economic and environmental fragility, between social inequality and health outcomes, and more. The consequences of these connections are now filtering through, reshaping our society and economy.

Resetting the agenda: How ESG is shaping our future

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed a wealth of interconnections – between ecological and human wellbeing, between economic and environmental fragility, between social inequality and health outcomes, and more. The consequences of these connections are now filtering through, reshaping our society and economy.

An Eco-wakening: Measuring global awareness, engagement and action for nature

The natural world is under threat. Scientists warn that 1m species, out of an estimated total of 8m, face extinction—many within decades. This decline is putting the future of the planet and everyone on it at risk.

Time is running out, and action to prevent fatal nature loss is urgently needed.

Do people care?
Given the scale of the problem, it would be easy to assume that ordinary people are turning away, not only believing that biodiversity loss is not a priority, but also that nothing can be done.

Green Intelligence - AI could boost efforts to fight climate change

If its advocates are to be believed, artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) will some day provide an answer to nearly every imaginable question, from how proteins fold to how fast the universe is expanding. As humanity stares down the challenge of climate change, researchers and entrepreneurs are hoping to leverage AI to address one of the most pressing concerns of the modern era. Although it will not be a panacea, AI is rising in importance as a crucial tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Plant-based proteins: Building a sustainable future

Special thanks to the following individuals for their time and expertise:
  • Phillip Johnson, Assistant Professor at the Food Science & Technology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • Anyela Camargo Rodriguez, Computational Biologist, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB)

  • Alan Dangour, Director, Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Supply-Chain Evolution: A Strategic Perspective

This report is the second in a two-part series exploring the impacts of supply-chain disruption—a new normal for businesses. The first report, The business costs of supply-chain disruption, explored how disruption has become more common and more costly than ever, in terms of both operational and reputational costs. Over half of the executives surveyed (54%) acknowledge that they must make significant changes in order to effectively manage supply-chain disruptions over the next five years.

The Economist Group and The Nippon Foundation launch a new initiative to promote ocean health

The Business Costs of Supply Chain Disruption

Although the havoc wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic caught most businesses by surprise in the early months of 2020, modern multinationals are by now no strangers to supply-chain shock and disruption. The concurrence of a number of disruptive forces, including trade disputes, cyberattacks, commodity price fluctuations and the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, are testing the complexity and interdependence of global supply chains that multinationals have built up over recent years. Executives anticipate that disruption is only set to increase in the coming decade.

Charts | Climate and conflict


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