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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Global race for critical minerals… a unique opportunity for Latin America?


The state of gender inclusion in Asia-Pacific’s regulatory landscape

The report aims to illustrate the gender policy landscape for gender inclusion in Asia-Pacific and spans four sectors: access to education and healthcare, and workforce and political participation. It encourages a greater focus on gender-inclusive policies, laws and regulations by detailing current drivers of change, where there are still challenges, the institutions that are involved and the opportunities for change, in each sector and across sectors.

The report uncovers several key findings highlighted below:

Blog | Solving the Air Pollution Crisis in Asia: Promising Developments

Solving the Air Pollution Crisis in Asia: Promising Developments

Rebuilding tourism in Asia-Pacific: A more conscious traveller?

An Economist Impact survey of more than 4,500 travellers in the region—across Australia, Japan, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand—shows that more than 7 in 10 (71.8%) respondents agree that covid-19 has changed the way they think about sustainable tourism by making it more important to them.

Getting to net-zero

The scale of the obstacles facing companies is revealed in a major research programme conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by HSBC. While costs, skills gaps and supply-chain complexity are among the pain points for companies, perhaps the biggest challenge for many will be making the business-model shifts needed to achieve net-zero.

Podcast | Healthcare sustainability

Healthcare sustainability

Podcast | China's food future

Podcast | China's food future

Materiality of Asia: Investing away from climate risk

What constitutes material climate risks remains under debate within the financial industry, with clarity and consensus on the topic elusive. It is clear, however, that unless parties agree on what needs to be measured, the consequence could be an irreversible breach of climate limits—such as those set out in the Paris Agreement.

Podcast | World Ocean Summit and Back to Blue

Podcast | World Ocean Summit and Back to Blue

Podcast | Investing and reinvention: tech’s role in rolling back climate change

Investing and reinvention: tech’s role in rolling back climate change

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