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Why Sustainability Matters to a CFO




Sustainable reboot - supply-chain strategies in the technology sector

Supply chains worldwide have been under intense pressure since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic. In 2020 Economist Impact explored the vital importance of building resilience and flexibility within global supply chains, with a focus on retail, lifestyle and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industries. Fast-forward to 2022, the war in Ukraine, rising commodities prices and the after-effects of the pandemic have created more uncertainty and added further pressure to global supply chains.

Great expectations: Arab youth’s sustainability priorities

The acute cost-of-living crisis remains at the forefront of Arab youth’s concerns. The Economist Intelligence Unit estimates that inflation in the MENA region hit 19.6% in 2022, compared with 9.8% globally. It is unsurprising then that almost half (44%) of young Arabs we surveyed cite inflation as the most pressing issue facing their generation. Young Arab sustainability leaders we spoke to claim that such economic instability can make it harder for the population to think about longer-term issues such as climate change.

Podcast | Asian voices at COP27

Less than a month after COP27 took place in Egypt in November, Asian countries remain at a critical juncture in their climate journeys. Despite tabling some historic agreements this year, a lot is left to be negotiated in the coming year.

Ending hunger by 2030: are we investing enough?

“End hunger” [1]. The second UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG2) leaves no room for doubt about the scale of its ambition. In 2015—the year the SDGs were agreed—this was not wholly unrealistic. Between 1991 and 2014, 72 countries succeeded in halving the size of their populations suffering from undernourishment [2]. Although it was unlikely that progress would continue at this rate, in recent years efforts to end hunger have been hindered in ways that few could have predicted.

Podcast | Who will pay for climate loss and damage?

Climate talks in COP27 recently concluded with a landmark agreement to create a loss and damage fund that would provide financial assistance to poor nations stricken by climate change.

Three strategies for building purpose-driven companies

The idea that companies should be driven by purpose and not just profit is an important consideration for business leaders. The interconnectedness of the global economy means they cannot insulate their companies from societal trends. There is pressure from shareholders, consumers and their employees to do the “right” thing in everything from environmental sustainability to social justice—despite it being impossible to reach consensus on what is “right” on many issues. No company exists in a vacuum where corporate actions are completely divorced from impacting the world. As a result, leaders are increasingly expected to take moral stances.

Global food security environments are rapidly diverging

Economist Impact’s Global Food Security Index for 2022 finds that the divergence in food security between countries is widening at an alarming rate: better-performing countries are becoming stronger and poor-performing countries are becoming weaker.

Five essential takeaways from the Economist Impact event on net-zero transport and infrastructure

The transport industry is the largest emitter of greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions for many countries—creating sustainable transport solutions is crucial if nations are to meet their net-zero targets. However, to de-link transport from GHG emissions we also need to assess sectors that are connected with transport, such as infrastructure.

Centring water at COP27 as a key enabler of change

In early November, leaders and change-makers will convene for COP27 to tackle the world’s most pressing global challenges. Leaders must ensure that water is recognised as a foundational pillar of climate action—especially in discussions around sustainability, resilience and adaptation.

In transit: Pathways to circular tourism in the Middle East

After an unprecedented halt in tourism at the height of the covid-19 pandemic, a slow recovery in global tourism is under way.">[1] According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), global international tourist arrivals increased by 130% in January 2022 compared with 2021.">[2] The industry is a valuable contributor to livelihoods—both directl

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